Saturday, July 30, 2011

Faith Is Ignorance

ooh I was about to head to sleep till I read these! 

These were posted on the Fox Facebook page and I found it on a Atheist Youth Group I joined. Goes to show how AMAZING religion is. As the days go by it's getting harder and harder for me to accept this thing called Faith. I don't get it why is believing in something without actual fact good? 
Since when has mankind ever advanced due to RELIGION. I would love to have someone tell me, because I only saw our advances due to science and medicine. I didn't see the big man in the sky giving us technological advances that would improve mankind. I'm sick of  the bigotry and hatred in society. 

They say being gay is a one way trip to hell and that gay marriage is in-moral I've done my research and present it to among others and you know what they say? "My PARENTS told me it was wrong because our RELIGIOUS TEXT says so". Yet I never see them try and truly search for themselves. Yet I shouldn't put them ALL at fault. I see it with some of  my friends and family that they indoctrinated as children and what young child do ya know to think for themselves religiously at the age of 5-10?

Their at the age where they are constantly taking all their surroundings and the knowledge of those surroundings. Parents know this so why not take an advantage of it? Your children won't question it.

I wish I could leave this intolerant state or more like this country and go somewhere were I can feel at ease with my own free mind. Probably Sweden, Norway, or Japan. Last I check they were in the top ten of highest atheist populations...

I think of myself as a better person then those poor morons ^^^^ Because I do not wish death upon them for what they believe in, only the death of what they believe in. Mankind is advancing slowly, but surly. So I would worry Religion your time here won't be forever. People will advance and become truly open minded and mark you as one of the biggest mistakes man has created. 


  1. I'm sorry Dommy. I promise, not a religious folk is like this, and I hate it when people are so ignorant and rude. I've struggled with faith my entire life, and realistically, so has everyone else. So I say, do whatever it is that makes you happy. I have found happiness in believing in God, but you don't. You find it in your family, music, girl, everything. And that's beautiful. Don't let some religious morons get to you. I love you!!!!

  2. WOW. these people are retarded! Hahaha and obviously not followers of God. But you're always hating on religious people - and how is that any different from religious people hating on you?
    I say if you don't believe in god, then you don't believe in god! people are just stupid. i don't see why what they say matters to you when religious people like me get death threats every day. just live your life the way you want and don't let what other ignorant people say about the way you live your life get to you.
    we each decide what we believe and that's how it should be.


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