Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Insert Cliche Love Blog Post Title Here

Well you guessed this post is about love. Because love is in the air....like an airborne virus that changes everyone into mindless zombies. Lately all the nerd love shit going on at UCAS is like a freaking disease spreading around the whole school but it's just gonna end the same the girl will put out for the guy the relationship will end or if she doesn't put out but I'm not saying thats always the case. But if the relationship ends then everyone will start to hate each other and be like "She's such a whore" or "He's such a dick no one loves him". 

Sure I've had my moments of being in love then BAM right when I think it's all going well they either 

1.Change their minds about being in god damn relationship with me oh I just love that....

2. They pick some other random jack off and date him instead. 3.The first two mentioned plus they say how much they truly wanna be with you so I would get that feeling like I'm all they want then they bitch slap me in the face and say "Oh I'm not ready for an relationship, but we can still be best friends right?" 

Then I always fall for it and say OF COURSE while trying to hold my insides together so they don't explode. The thing that disgusts and hurts me the most if that AFTER the incident where I got screwed over they just casually talk to me like usual, acting like nothing happened and if you don't talk to them they'll be like I miss you why don't you talk to me? Thanks for considering how I'm still emotionally hurt a lot more than you are and maybe I just wanna be left alone but then again I can't build up the courage to tell them that.

Then of course you get the adults saying oh your so young you know nothing about love but they lose me in the conversation right about there cause I can't help but notice THE SHIT THAT'S DRIPPING OUT OF THEIR MOUTH! Does anyone really know anything about love?? Yea sure we start to mature, our brains are more developed but that doesn't mean you always know what true love is. I know plenty of adults out there who are just as bad as any teen in a relationship, so woo for you were born sooner than me what do you want a god damn medal? My mom and few other people are still giving me some hope for love. I swear she acts like just me and chelsey because she smiles like a dork when I see her texting the guys she's into. It's funny to watch because part of her is still a teen but in a good way which makes me smile.

Well there ya go another rant about one the major topics I look at in life so for being such a good sport about it and taking time to read this here's a pic of my friend Livi's baby albino bunny isn't he just precious?? SERIOUSLY HE'S FREAKING ADORABLE EMBRACE THE BUNNY!


  1. Dom. I know how you're feeling. And it totally sucks. Just remember it gets better when you get older....at least I think so.

  2. i dislike this post though i did/do feel like that from time to time as well..
    and i love the bunny.
    Dommit you rock. :) don't give up. some girl with a sexy tattoo sleeve of all your favorite band names will pop up out of nowhere


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