Saturday, November 20, 2010

White Mastodon

White Elephant!
I had such an amazing night I got to hang out with Elio and Nina who I rarely ever see out of school. We went and supported Elio's sister's band White Elephant who were amazing!! I can't empathize enough how great some of these Indie bands are,you people need to check them out and your hearing this from a metalhead! This night totally made me thought about so many things that which I wont post on here :p

This upcoming week is finally Thanksgiving break which I feel like I could use one and relax and kick some zombie ass on black ops. Seriously though Nina thanks again for coming I didn't think ya would it was so great to hang out with ya I wish we could chill more often :(. So this Tuesday I get to record some more demos with my band. I'm so very excited with these new recordings we can hopefully get more shows and get our songs down! Well I'm gonna head out and watch some Codemonkeys? Perhaps listen to Slayer?? Peace. P.S. I seriously will try and finish my Family/Friends Series I totally spaced that.
(Codemonkeys) New Favorite Show 
Tom Araya of Slayer 

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