Sunday, July 24, 2011

Horizon To Zenith

Favorite Music Video (at the moment)

That's right I'm still alive and well! So much for keeping up huh? Oh well I been working and ummm......other stuff ya! Ha to be honest I don't have much of an excuse I been lacking much motivation to blog on here hell I didn't think I would be blogging EVER. But all is well in my life :) Been through some issues : got dumped, but was asked back. Trying to save up some cash for more important things such as a car and school stuff.

I can't believe summer is almost over and I'll be back in school pulling all nighters and having stress like no other! That I don't miss at all...But I really miss all my friends who I haven't seen :/

Work is still driving me crazy at times and it has nothing to do with the amount of hours it's just the people. Some days I'll be on the top of the world and no annoying co worker could ruin it. But some days I just wanna yell my lungs out at the few that make my working day more grueling to go through -.-. Which is sad to say but I'm quite the angry person at my work place where I feel constantly under stress. Which is a good thing I haven't been put on register, because I would just snap at any given moment and probably lose my job.....

Oh well That's my little update not much I know, but since I don't work again till wednesday I'm hoping to update this more often night all!

Oh ya I also leave you guys with this! 

Just some bad ass guitars I gotta mess around with :) There's also a 12 string acoustic that isn't in this but that one was a blast! okay I'm off to sleep now peace.

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