Monday, May 30, 2011

What makes insanity tick?

So I got really acquainted good ol' netflix today. I spent most of the time today just watching random shows till I watched three movies that really made me think : A Clockwork Orange, Shutter Island and Rampage. 

Each movie showed how insanity comes to play in each film.

Which come to mind is what exactly drives people to commit most horrific acts? Mainly murder and rape is what I'm talking about. I always wanted to know what makes us the way we think mostly in extremes. Each of these films made me come up with questions such as: "What made Alex get a kick out of killing and raping all of these people in the most gruesome matter?", "Why did Bill decide to go and kill everyone in his home town including his best friend?", "How could Teddy's wife drown their kids?"

I honestly don't know. 

Although I would love to find out. 

I decide to feed my little drive by going out and read some reports about Jeffery Dahmer. Interesting fellow, killed 13 colored males. After his death they take out his and did some studies and came out with interesting results. I'm gonna go read them peace! 

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Birth of A Heretic

Well I gotta say I had one friggin amazing birthday! 

To start it off my mom wakes me up nearly scaring me to death, but makes up for it by making me an amazing breakfest! I even got one of those cards that make sound when you open them. Mine was special and it was a south park one (with $120 I might add) ahh I love my mom. 

It was a pretty sweet day so far till my dad decided to come over even when I told him not to. He still wouldn't leave when I kept telling him, but supposedly he states that he will help me get a car. Which I highly doubt he will do since if he can't help with child support how the hell is he gonna get me a $1000 for a car? 

Now I have monday to go have lunch with him and he even wants KresLynn to come with, who I'm worried to bring along with, because well its my dad enough said...

Then it got even worse my 360 decides to die on me and I get one of the rings of death! I start freaking out and look all over the internet to find anything on fixing it. Before I could even try to fix it I had to leave to go to KresLynn's for the day.

But it got loads better when I got to KresLynn's! 

She had the whole place decorated I can't believe she did so much work I was amazed o.o There were balloons everywhere and I even saw a cake on the table! She also got me two gifts: New Headphones and of course the In Flames shirt I been trying to get for ages! I about died...

Yep I'm the luckiest guy around :)
My baby making me lunch

Well I'm home now and I already miss her :( I also wanna thank everyone for the birthday wishes you guys are the best and I really appreciated it. Well I'm gonna hit the hay and hopefully the wait for my Dark Tranquillity shirt wont be too long. Peace.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why yes it's almost summer! I can already smell the freedom :) Today was pretty amazing I went in early to study for the accuplacer, and I did it! I made it into English 1010 by one stinking point...I never felt so relieved. I studied like crazy and I even had Mrs.Smith help me which helped SOO much I love her to death.

So...We got our yearbooks today and I even got on the cover woo! Well more like my outline but whatever.

Work today was pretty good I didn't have to work with some certain retards that I can't stand and I wanna smack them with a kitten!

Damn I was hoping to write more but I'm tired last day of school tomorrow woo! Goodnight bloggers I"ll do some more blogging tomorrow.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Jetpacks Was Yes!

Phew it's been one crazy week. Sorry for the lack of posts just wait till summer starts up I'll be doing many more posts daily I promise :). So to update my life I had my first day of work this week. It's really not hard at all clearly since I'm only prepping pizzas, but the part that sucks is the 5-6 rush and we run out of stuff fast. I mean come on people quit being fat! Go eat some subway or something....

Also I took the last of my finals for UCAS this week all of which were a complete joke. Now I just have the last week of UCAS and oh ya tomorrow is the rapture! Oh no! Me and a bunch of the other sinners are screwed! Ha kidding that's just a bunch of religious crap...In fact anything religious is crap...

Anywho a week from tomorrow I'll be 18. So far I sure don't feel anything close to an adult that's for sure. I still act like a kid at times and don't exactly know how to act like an adult anyway.

Well I'm gonna get back to playing some Batman Arkham Aslyum peace! Oh ya here's an awesome vid you all should watch...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This Mortal Soil

Yep the weekend is over it went by way too fast. Mine was well spent and I loved every minute of it! To start it off: Friday: I hung out with KresLynn of course and Kaelis came along too :) We played video games, watched random youtube videos, and even took a freaking nap its been a hard week for all of us xD After doing that we decided to watch Kick-Ass. It's sooo good actually it kicks ass! Ha lame pun I know...

Then Alex came over after getting off work and we waited for Affy since we planned on going to Denny's at like midnight? I have no clue why we picked that time...The trip there was fun though since we were stuffed into the back of Affy's mom's van so ya speed bumps made it more fun!

After the Denny's adventure poor Affy got sick and we had to rush her home :( So we had to cut the night short and went back to my place so Alex could take the girls home. But before we left KresLynn grabbed my hand and rushed me under the street light by my place.

We kissed :). I guess it was on her list of random things to do, but either way I loved it and I love her so much. Yes this hateful brown kid can have his lovey dovey moments you can stop with the "awww" now.

Saturday: I had to be up early for my orientation at Little Ceasers which wasn't too bad since I was being paid by the hour for the training. So my manager told me my first day is Tuesday from 5-9 I can't wait to start my job :). Then I was given my "uniform" which was Little Ceasers hat and shirt with an apron. They even told me I would probably get the day off for my birthday wow I haven't even started working yet and I already love my manager.

Right after that me mum came and got me and we went to buy some flowers. I swear my mom is such a hippy we bought a whole cart full of them and my arms were full.. I even helped an old lady take flowers to her car I was thinking "man my friends should see me doing this xD". So I spent the rest of the day on my butt playing games then I get a call from KresLynn and she came over for a surprise visit! :) This weekend just got better.

We went out for dinner with her family. Besides her little sisters talking the whole time it was great nonetheless.

Sunday:Today I cleaned or er um started to clean my room. Nate made a deal with me that if I clean my shelves he would give him his sick katana set. Well guess what their clean! I would like my set now n_n Then there some family picnic over in PG which was fun actually gotta talk with Robbie for a while man I miss that best buddy of mine I remember all the sleep overs we had when we were kids.

But, the thing that made it a little off was that my mom brought this guy Mike who she's been dating the past few days. The guy is nice and all, but it took me a bit to get used to him being around and being all cute with my mom. Well that's my weekend now to sleep and think about the girl of my dreams. Night!

Friday, May 6, 2011

In FIames - Deliver Us Single 2011

Deliver Us

Yep today was great! 
     Today was my interview and well I got the job! :)  The guy who interviewed me really liked me and said I start working on the 16th. I'll either be working in the back or cashier but hey it's a job and I'm pretty happy with that. I came home and slept till about 7 then headed to my room to play some Castlevania, ahh life is still great it shouldn't change one bit. Then just barely I noticed In Flames posting on facebook that their new single was available on itunes I flipped and got on youtube and it was there! 

I already listened to it about five times and I'm actually still listening to it right now. So other than that awesome stuff I got an awesome story to tell. So during 7th period Kreslynn and I have it free so we usually spend it together under the big tree (yes nina your tree! ha). She had her camera and kept taking pictures of me even though she knows I hate getting my picture taken. -.- So I snatched her camera and starting looking through all of her pics and she got super embarrassed which I don't understand why because I loved all of them. o.o 

So she tried to take it back but I kept putting it out of her reach it was hilarious. I was standing and she freaking jump on me to try and take it back! So I had to run  just to keep her away from the camera. So ya don't think I was being a total douche because I honestly wasn't because I could tell she was having fun too. Then I finally gave in and gave her back the camera. After that I just noticed that the other trailer's windows were open so pretty much Paz's class heard us the whole time but I didn't really mind. Were only just having the time of our lives is all. :)

This was my favorite and she absolutely hated it! Obviously there's nothing wrong with it :)

Well I'm probably go back to Castlevania and listen to this amazing single about 948903284092384 more times you should listen to it!! I know where you live...
Actually I don't think youtube does embedding anymore so just look at the next post! Peace. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Yep I suck at updating my blog I know..Well to update whats going on with my life here goes: Ever since UVU classes ended I slept in and spent free hours outside with Kreslynn while scaring her friends away? Oh well :).

Little Ceaser's finally called me and I got my interview set up for Thursday after school which I feel pretty good about.

I helped Affy moved last Sunday which kinda sucked. Since it was three levels and we even had to take up a freaking piano which was no bueno. Still it's pretty rewarding in the end since she lives just down the road from me. :)

Now I'm getting ready for my biology field trip tomorrow and playing the new zombies that came out today. I'm loving life very much at the moment and I hope it stays like this for a while :).

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