Friday, May 6, 2011

Deliver Us

Yep today was great! 
     Today was my interview and well I got the job! :)  The guy who interviewed me really liked me and said I start working on the 16th. I'll either be working in the back or cashier but hey it's a job and I'm pretty happy with that. I came home and slept till about 7 then headed to my room to play some Castlevania, ahh life is still great it shouldn't change one bit. Then just barely I noticed In Flames posting on facebook that their new single was available on itunes I flipped and got on youtube and it was there! 

I already listened to it about five times and I'm actually still listening to it right now. So other than that awesome stuff I got an awesome story to tell. So during 7th period Kreslynn and I have it free so we usually spend it together under the big tree (yes nina your tree! ha). She had her camera and kept taking pictures of me even though she knows I hate getting my picture taken. -.- So I snatched her camera and starting looking through all of her pics and she got super embarrassed which I don't understand why because I loved all of them. o.o 

So she tried to take it back but I kept putting it out of her reach it was hilarious. I was standing and she freaking jump on me to try and take it back! So I had to run  just to keep her away from the camera. So ya don't think I was being a total douche because I honestly wasn't because I could tell she was having fun too. Then I finally gave in and gave her back the camera. After that I just noticed that the other trailer's windows were open so pretty much Paz's class heard us the whole time but I didn't really mind. Were only just having the time of our lives is all. :)

This was my favorite and she absolutely hated it! Obviously there's nothing wrong with it :)

Well I'm probably go back to Castlevania and listen to this amazing single about 948903284092384 more times you should listen to it!! I know where you live...
Actually I don't think youtube does embedding anymore so just look at the next post! Peace. 

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