Sunday, May 29, 2011

Birth of A Heretic

Well I gotta say I had one friggin amazing birthday! 

To start it off my mom wakes me up nearly scaring me to death, but makes up for it by making me an amazing breakfest! I even got one of those cards that make sound when you open them. Mine was special and it was a south park one (with $120 I might add) ahh I love my mom. 

It was a pretty sweet day so far till my dad decided to come over even when I told him not to. He still wouldn't leave when I kept telling him, but supposedly he states that he will help me get a car. Which I highly doubt he will do since if he can't help with child support how the hell is he gonna get me a $1000 for a car? 

Now I have monday to go have lunch with him and he even wants KresLynn to come with, who I'm worried to bring along with, because well its my dad enough said...

Then it got even worse my 360 decides to die on me and I get one of the rings of death! I start freaking out and look all over the internet to find anything on fixing it. Before I could even try to fix it I had to leave to go to KresLynn's for the day.

But it got loads better when I got to KresLynn's! 

She had the whole place decorated I can't believe she did so much work I was amazed o.o There were balloons everywhere and I even saw a cake on the table! She also got me two gifts: New Headphones and of course the In Flames shirt I been trying to get for ages! I about died...

Yep I'm the luckiest guy around :)
My baby making me lunch

Well I'm home now and I already miss her :( I also wanna thank everyone for the birthday wishes you guys are the best and I really appreciated it. Well I'm gonna hit the hay and hopefully the wait for my Dark Tranquillity shirt wont be too long. Peace.

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