Friday, May 20, 2011

Jetpacks Was Yes!

Phew it's been one crazy week. Sorry for the lack of posts just wait till summer starts up I'll be doing many more posts daily I promise :). So to update my life I had my first day of work this week. It's really not hard at all clearly since I'm only prepping pizzas, but the part that sucks is the 5-6 rush and we run out of stuff fast. I mean come on people quit being fat! Go eat some subway or something....

Also I took the last of my finals for UCAS this week all of which were a complete joke. Now I just have the last week of UCAS and oh ya tomorrow is the rapture! Oh no! Me and a bunch of the other sinners are screwed! Ha kidding that's just a bunch of religious crap...In fact anything religious is crap...

Anywho a week from tomorrow I'll be 18. So far I sure don't feel anything close to an adult that's for sure. I still act like a kid at times and don't exactly know how to act like an adult anyway.

Well I'm gonna get back to playing some Batman Arkham Aslyum peace! Oh ya here's an awesome vid you all should watch...

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