Tuesday, October 5, 2010

At The Point of Ignition

Another day another failed biology test fuck my life...This week is just horrible I just want it to end. I got two other tests I'm gonna fail: Math and Medical Terminology. What the hell was I thinking that I was ready for this college shit? Seriously I'm so done with UVU and UCAS I love my friends to death but I'm so damn tired of being miserable from being swamped with all the school work were given. I don't even wanna major in medicine anymore. From what I learned in Medical Careers it's beyond insane how much damn schooling I would have to do to become a surgeon and I don't have the emotional or mental capacity to handle it. If I'm having a hard time right now then how the hell am I suppose to succeed in medical school? Fuck being a surgeon I think I'm gonna go into nursing for now on.

Then there's just some people I can't stand anymore I'm at my breaking point it makes me just wanna blow my brains outs sounds a little extreme but like I said I'm at the end of my rope. I just wanna rip my hair out hell I just wanna shave it off! And mom I'm sorry for not listening to you lately. Call me a hypocrite but it's been the same for me lately I try to have a conversation with some of my friend's about shit going on in my life and then their like "Oh sorry I wasn't paying attention." Then I just respond with the usual "It's nothing" cause it pisses me the hell off when some of my friends don't listen to me but doesn't everyone? I just want out. Ugh well that was a decent rant of the day I'm going to bed god tomorrow is gonna suck ass.

1 comment:

  1. Dommy I'm so sorry to hear this..
    But listen to me, no matter how hard it might seem. You can do it. I honestly know you can. And when you're making millions, it'll be worth it.
    Just think about it. You're taking how many credits? And you're 17. Of course it's going to be a little stressful. But just push through it. and I'm here for you buddy, if you need help on math or even biology (Even though I'm the one who kinda sucks at it), I'm here. I love you Dommy, we all have down days. And up days. You can talk to me if you need a friend, because you've always done the same for me.


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