Friday, October 15, 2010

"Metal is the most kick ass thing to ever exist!!!......and pie,"

Thursday: Ahhh I loving fall break so far I feel accomplished for once! I got my room cleaned and I finally sent in my ipod to get repaired even though I'll have to go a week without it! :( It was nice that both of my older siblings came over today Nate just dropped by to say hi and watched the new South Park with me the episode was about Jersey Shore and it was amazing!!

Don't ever watch Jersey Shore it's just such a horrible show here's the break down of it. It's about a bunch of orange skin guidos and sluts from the east coast knowing they can never truly contribute to society so instead they become media whores and have the intelligence of horny bunnies. Amber and Matt came over and they brought me apollo burger and Assassin's Creed II!! Even though it was in the most jokingly matter possibly but hey I saw it coming were family -_-.

Right now Chelsey has some little evil friends spending night let's just say I much rather be in a retirement home than stuck here listening to girls scream to the lamest horror movies known to man kind! So to keep myself from going insane I checked out this awesome show called Ugly Americans it's pretty awesome you all should check it out!

Friday:Slept in till 12 today cause I couldn't sleep at all cause one:I was playing the hell out of Assassin's Creed II and two:Chelsey -_-. I was suppose to go a party today with Nick and Kaniho and some of my bandmates but in the end I didn't end up going because when my mom called to find out where I was she really didn't feel comfortable about me going and to be honest neither was I because I knew something bad was gonna go down due the fact there was gonna be booze and tons of weed so that was just a recipe for disaster.

So instead I went and had dinner at Cafe Rio with my Mom and Who Shall Not Be Name (my older sister -_-). It was such a great time being with the two of them excluding the fact that my sister feeds on embarrassing me in public especially on our way out of the place when she started to act like we were a couple on a date and people were looking she truly knows how to make me suffer and people now should know why I'm a douche most of the time....

In the end though I'm really glad I didn't go to the party anymore chances are the cops are probably already there. Its sad that in order to have fun with some of my friends that they need to go high or drunk off their asses but oh well they never listen to me. So for now I'm gonna spend the rest of my friday night playing some Assassin's Creed II and chat with some amazing people peace!

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