Sunday, October 17, 2010

VIC: Visions In Circles


Ugh so sad fall break is over I'm not ready to go back to school hell I don't think anyone is! So my band finally made a final decision on our name which after debating we came to a final decision of Vision In Circles and we came out with our first demo we only recorded two songs excluding vocals and surprisingly came out in good quality I feel so good about this band and I can't wait to play during freedom week! Also for the next few days Chelse and I will be having the house to ourselves! :) Because my mom will be in Nevada meeting Richard ooh la la ;). I don't know much about the guy just that my mom met him at some music festival and he's some British jazz musician man my mom has interesting taste!

Another thing to add that today I never felt like such a fatass! I could not drag myself out of bed till like 3 and even then I just went upstairs to eat and went right back to bed. For dinner I had chicken pot pie, a sandwich, 3/4 of a whole pizza, a FULL bag of popcorn, oh and a slice of pumpkin pie, but hey I had a Diet Green Tea that cancels out right???

Best vampire movies ever! Twilight can go suck a large one 

Also is it odd that I might actually be missing seeing my dad around? I found it strange usually cause I hate him with a fiery passion and would rub a cheese grater against his face and pour lemon juice on it. It might of been cause I being doing stuff that would constantly remind me of him like just simple stuff like listening to Bob Marley, watching certain movies that only me and my dad would watch like the Blade Series, 300, Underworld, and any movie that has Adam Sandler in it (it's his favorite comedian). I hate it because I wish I could do stuff that wouldn't remind of what was the good times or happened at bad times. Like to this day I can never ever listen to Isolation Years by Opeth without shedding a tear it's pretty sad.

Well any who here are the highlight quotes over the break!

"Bryan your so gay your the Freddy Mercury of the band"


"Wow Danny you sound so happy I can see the bright ray of sunshine and kittens coming out of your ass"


"Well I like the demo. The guitars are great, the drums are kickass, and you can't hear the bass at all yep were a metal band"


"Dude there's this one chick at school who wears a cape no joke she looks like something out of Lord of The Rings!"

"I bet ya anything she's Wicca...."

"Na she's Mormon like hardcore to the max"

"How do you know that?"

"She was offended by something that my biology teacher said in class....."

-My Brother-in-Law Matt and I while we were at the UPS store ya the clerk didn't look to happy were such horrible people.....

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