Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 5: Love is like anthrax

This is a tough subject because I already did a post about love and all that stuff here's the post if you wanna read it http://samurai7kenshin.blogspot.com/2010/09/insert-cliche-love-blog-post-here.html but to add to that love is where you can't truly define it. I may not be perfect when it comes to love but I sure try to express it the best of my skills. There are many things I love today: I love my friends and what they've done for me. I love my family for them for understanding me the best and accept my beliefs. I love music for getting me through tough times and making some of the greatest moments with the amazing concerts! Sorry this wasn't a better post peace.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 4: What I ate today (pfft this one is lame!)

For breakfest after taking my math test feeling sick as ever kenny was so nice and took me over to scoops and bought me some coffee which I really needed to get through morning. Then for lunch we have the typically crappy lunch food platter of nastyness! Then I finally got home and had some actual food! I made some hot cocoa and chelsey made "comfort cake" whatever the hell that means..Then like the little kids that we are chelsey and I fought over the last box of mac n cheese. It was so pathetic we were running the house fighting over the damn thing and we decided to get along and share (this is rare for us). Well that's it for day 4 I'll be doing my love one tomorrow it's gonna be steamy! ha kidding. 

Day 3 go mom!

Day 3! well since I'll mostly be talking about my mom since there's nothing but good about her and nothing about my dad much because there's nothing good about him! Oh wait he has good genes but other than that eh

not much... It's kinda sad to say I couldn't find a full family photo with my dad even in it and if there was we lost it. (Left Mommy and me!, Below um damn I don't know if that's chelsey or me

we both freaking looked the same as babies)

Well I've mentioned this wonderful person numerous times but it's not enough. She has the strongest will and mind set that any mother can have. She has raised the four of us on her own with little or no help with my dad being the worst.

She struggled financially and still is today due to the bastard for not paying child support. Some kids say their parents are the greatest but I see them in much better situations than mine and my mom pulled through abuse, neglect, and other hard ships. I know other parents who were in the same situation but didn't turn out so great like my mom.

She taught us the right moral values and openly lets us make our own life choices even if she dislikes them. She's the living example that the best kind of people are the ones who make it through the worse and come out stronger
Chelsey's graduation from pre-school ignore the crappy hairsyles of Nate and Me
Me madre always just loves to scrap book she has literally taken photos of every moment in our lives I'm just using one of her pages for an example and trust me it looks better than this I just have a crappy printer. She took pictures of moments that I don't even remember till now and she just has nothing but love to give and were all much better off without my dad. :)

Day 2 Aw love...

Sorry for being lazy and not keeping up with everyone on this 30 day ill probably be doing three more posts or however many days I missed. So here goes!
Is it odd that I found my first love's facebook profile and decided to post her pic on here?? Naa...I'm not gonna try and over think about it. Anywho this was my first girlfriend back in 7th grade I believe. Her name is Kendra Draney. We went out for about three months and I guess it was what you would call a summer relationship because it ended right about before 8th grade started... I mostly blame myself for what happened during the relationship and how it ended. Even now whenever I try to have any form of communication she would ignore me which tells me she never got over it. But I gotta say I don't feel horribly bad about it I mean she broke up with me through email -_-. It does kinda bug me that we can't even friends because whatever happened in the past was in the past and she's the only ex that I'm not friends with.

But now I have a new amazing relationship!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 1!

Okie dokie here's day one! 

Mi nombre es Dominic Antonio Delgado (ha some of the extremely few words I know in the spanish language). I hate myself now for asking how I got that name. At first I thought it was after St. Dominic but then my mom told me she got the idea for the name from *facepalm* a fashion designer...if that's not gay I don't know what is. So I have three siblings: two from a different marriage and one from the same dad (oh I'm gonna have a blast mentioning him).

I'm just a regular 17 year old dude from utah ha kidding I'm an individual just like everyone else! I tend to be lazy and need motivation to get things done! Did I mention I'll be 18 this year and I still have yet to even get my permit? Told ya I'm lazy :p I'm not living the usual high school experience which I believe is glamorized by the media and really is a bunch of drama that includes girls who um lets just say they like gymnastics and like doing the splits A LOT and guys who can't comprehend two plus two but can bench-press Oprah and Rosie O'Donnell (sorry if your fan of either of the two just making a point here) and mind you these are the people who have no future so moving on...

I'm in some fancy pants High School College Prep place called UCAS oh it sounds cool at first then you realize the whole school is a freaking trailer! You would think that the kids who actually are planning on going into a higher education would get nicer facilities. I usually have a very low tolerance for the annoyance that goes on in our school and at times I openly tell them to shut the hell up and sometimes the teachers even hear me (with no comment) but I know in their minds their thanking me.

Um so other than that school junk here are some of my major interests/facts some might not even know about.

I love Japanese culture and the philosophy that comes along with it
I have a major obsession with exotic pets, here are some I would love to have! 

  • I tend to have fun when people tend to mislabel me and I can spot their true ignorance.
  • I'm a book worm at heart and I love to read informational novels about topics that no one seems to get
  • I'm an atheist in a state full of religion
  • I hate that even though I'm Hispanic people can tell when I blush
  • Tattoos are the greatest form of art that anyone can truly express themselves with even if society frowns upon it 

  • Opeth's sweet and dark music calms my nerves
  • Metal is my religion 
  • I don't censor myself from the world whether it's beautiful or ugly and willing to face what happens when others tend to hide from it and they only will accept happy things. I mean for their to be light and good there has to be dark and evil why not embrace it?
  • My life revolves way too much around video games mainly Call of Duty and Gears of War pfft screw Halo only kiddies play that garbage
  • I'm in a band 
  • My little sister and dog may be dorks but you lay a hand on either one of them. I'll either one rip your throat out or two my foot will get friendly with your ass.

Well that's all for day one peace.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

30 Days About Meh

So I'm gonna be doing these "30 days about yourself" type game thingy just something to actually blog about and have some fun along the way so here goes!
Day 01 – Introduce yourself with pictures and words
Day 02 – Your first love

Day 03 – Your parents

Day 04 – What you ate today 

Day 05 – Your definition of love

Day 06 – Your day
Day 07 – Your best friend

Day 08 – A moment

Day 09 – Your beliefs
Day 10 – What you wore today 

Day 11 – Your siblings

Day 12 – What’s in your bag

Day 13 – This week
Day 14 – What you wore today
Day 15 – Your dreams
Day 16 – Your first kiss
Day 17 – Your favorite memory

Day 18 – Your favorite birthday
Day 19 – Something you regret

Day 20 – This month

Day 21 – Another moment

Day 22 – Something that upsets you
Day 23 – Something that makes you feel better

Day 24 – Something that makes you cry
Day 25 – A first
Day 26 – Your fears
Day 27 – Your favorite place

Day 28 – Something that you miss

Day 29 – Your aspirations

Day 30 – One last moment

Sunday, January 16, 2011


So I got the greatest news last night!! Bryan told me that next month on the 26th we would be playing at Deathstar! An actual venue, wow I'm so excited! Speaking of which we had practice today for the first time in like two weeks and were still just as amazing! :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I Was, I Am, I Shall Be

So I haven't been updating my blog much because well there hasn't been much to talk about...I guess I could say that right now I'm loving life. I'm not dealing with my dad anymore, Nate and I act like little kids in math, I got this amazing girlfriend, and I still have the great friends that I love!.....wow I suck I honestly can't think of what else to say...Hmmmm damn this is hard! Oh well I promise to do a much better post next time! Maybe some kind of a big disaster will happen and I can talk about it! Peace.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Kresslyn and I are hopefully gonna go see these guys next month! 
So school has been a whore and kept me away from updating my blog! So if everyone didn't already know this brownie got himself a girlfriend yay!! Excluding the fact that some of her friend's don't approve of me and say that I'm making her "forsaking" them. Even my own cousin told me to back off from her and was against the idea of us being together which I thought was messed up considering the fact that were family! :/ Oh well most of my friends like her and think she's awesome so her friends can get over it. :)So my family just love her! (even though they enjoy telling her all of the embarrassing stories I had in the past). So tonight I'll get to meet her family for the first time and go to the movies after I'm not really all that nervous because her family is really open minded which is great in my case.

Since the semester started I've been liking my classes very much and I'm only taking two. Math 1050 I know is gonna get crazy but for now I'm loving the class because I have an amazing instructor and my best friend and brother are in there! :). Here's one of my favorites that Nate and I had:

Nate: So you got a girlfriend now huh?                  

Me: Yep I sure do!                                              

Nate: Is she white?                                               

Me: yes

Nate:Is she blonde?

Me: yep

Nate: Ha I knew it!

Nate is such a dork at times but I freaking love the guy!

Sadly I'm the only UCAS student in Psychology 1010... Its such a big class and the annoying ginger that I had a class with last semester is in there too ugh my life is a lie. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

ABC'S of Bands

I decided to play a little game you can do too! 

A: Aborted
B: Between the Buried and Me
C: Cannibal Corpse
D: Dark Tranquillity
E: Evanescence
F: The Faceless
G: Godsmack
H: Heaven Shall Burn
I:  In Flames
J: Job For a Cowboy
K: Killswitch Engage 
L: Lamb of God
M: Mastodon
N:  Nile
O: Opeth
P: Protest the Hero
Q: Queens of the Stone Age 
R: Rob Zombie
S: System of a Down
U:  Uriah Heep
V: Van Halen
W: World Under Blood
Y: Yngwie Malmsteen's Rising Force 
Z: ZZ Top

Sorry I'm just extremely tired I promise to do an actual post tomorrow :p 

Sunday, January 2, 2011


So this New Years Eve was pretty damn amazing I must say! I'm so glad that this year full of drama, death, depression and other lame crap is over. I didn't do anything special for New Years Eve Nick was throwing some Gaylo Reach system link party but I thought hanging out with Kresslyn sounded like a much better idea. Kaniho also joined us that night because he didn't wanna go to Nick's either. So Kresslyn and I were cuddling watching South Park while Kaniho was yelling at my T.V. because he was getting his ass kicked on Black Ops. If that didn't make me feel embarrassed mom, chelsey, and her little friend Kayla came down to my room with these crazy point party hats and tried to make me wear them!! Then my mom put the hats on her chest.....I felt like my family were creeping out Kresslyn but actually she thought they were hilarious phew.

The morning after I got so sick from the night before I had: 1 liter of mt dew, half a bottle of sparkling cider, whole bag of chips, and homemade pizza! Which reminds me, my New Year's Resolution this year is what most people have but failed is getting healthy. The difference is though I actually have realistic goals with dead lines and my whole family is getting in on it to support me! I really do wanna get healthy. I want to generally like myself not like "I'm the greatest guy and I can get some from any chick", but I wanna look in the mirror and say "ya know what I'm decent looking and if I try I can get a sweet girl to like me and have more self respect along the way."

If the healthy idea doesn't pull through I really just want this to be a year of nothing but good coming to my mom. I want her to have pure happiness and joy because 2010 and 2009 were the worst for her. I still remember to this day on April 4, 2010 it was Easter Sunday and I woke up to my mom yelling and chelsey crying because bitch face called about how dad has been living with her for years and even had a kid with her. To this day I still have the out most hatred for my dad. My friends say I should just forgive him but to do that I would have to get over the fact of the past eight years about his little "secret", the childhood feeling like your nothing because your dad would rather go get drunk than spend time with you , and the worst of it was that he actually defended that ugly bitch!! How can you defend someone like that when they threatened your wife and kids?? If anyone can give me a logic reason to forgive him please I'm all ears because I got nothing.

2009, it was a good year for me at least I remember on October 9, 2009 I went to the Mastodon/Dethklok concert!! I can't truly explain how amazing that concert was because Mastodon is one of my top five favorite bands. But 8 days later Nate and Amber's dad Lloyd Brent Swena died. I remember my dad coming downstairs telling me that Lloyd just died and to go check on mom (lazy piece of shit). So mom was in the bathroom just balling her eyes out I didn't know what to do other than hold her. He was her first true love who later came out saying he was gay and I never asked him why he was gay, how he was gay, or even what made him gay. I never knew why, but I just absolutely adored the man. He would consider Chelsey and me family and his parents would call us their grandchildren when my own dirty ass peruvian grandparents never did anything for us. I can say without feeling bad that I wish it was my dad died not Lloyd.

Before even that terrible event it was still 2009 and I was in 9th grade. One night it was late and I was asking mom where was Nate. She shakes her head and told me "Dominic he got arrested today the cops found that he and his other friends were growing pot." Then I even saw the newscast of the arrest and they showed 5 pictures with Nate being one of them of course I started to cry. I guess the reason why that case was bad in particular because the house they were growing the pot was close to an elementary school so there was an assumption that they would sell it to the kids now I know my brother is great and no way would ever stoop that low to distribute to kids. He was filed with a felony charge, put on house arrest, 1? 2 weeks in county jail? and then put on parole. So he had to wear this stupid bulky anklet while having surprise visits from his parole officer who once came at like 6 in the god damn morning! So my mom had to deal with having to go to court many times about the case.

2011, well I'm just gonna hope this year is a good one to start it off I went to the mall today with Nick and Kaniho and two other girls. I bought jeans and new skull candies from Zumiez and a Rob Zombie/Alice Cooper shirt (I hope my mom will let me keep it and not be all weird about it) from Hot Topic which is some what ironic because I particularly hate those two stores because one is usually full of stupid skater kids and the other has freaking emu kids who I want to beat with a 2 by 4 and I got one of those rings from the Native American store and had "Darkness" engraved on it because Nick and other people in our group call me that because I'm the only colored kid who happens to like dark satanic music go figure. Also this year is gonna be full of new kickass band releases!! Check them out! So far these are the only releases I can find and can give a damn about:

Lazarus A.D.

Devil Driver


Children of Bodom

Born Of Osiris

Blotted Science


Cavalera Conspiracy

Dream Theater

The Faceless

Five Finger Death Punch


Lamb of God

Marilyn Manson (YES!)




Protest The Hero




Within Temptation

Arch Enemy

Winds of Plague

HOPEFULLY! TOOL comes out with a new one

Between the Buried and Me (EP)


I hope you all have an amazing year full of nothing but happiness.

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