Saturday, January 8, 2011


Kresslyn and I are hopefully gonna go see these guys next month! 
So school has been a whore and kept me away from updating my blog! So if everyone didn't already know this brownie got himself a girlfriend yay!! Excluding the fact that some of her friend's don't approve of me and say that I'm making her "forsaking" them. Even my own cousin told me to back off from her and was against the idea of us being together which I thought was messed up considering the fact that were family! :/ Oh well most of my friends like her and think she's awesome so her friends can get over it. :)So my family just love her! (even though they enjoy telling her all of the embarrassing stories I had in the past). So tonight I'll get to meet her family for the first time and go to the movies after I'm not really all that nervous because her family is really open minded which is great in my case.

Since the semester started I've been liking my classes very much and I'm only taking two. Math 1050 I know is gonna get crazy but for now I'm loving the class because I have an amazing instructor and my best friend and brother are in there! :). Here's one of my favorites that Nate and I had:

Nate: So you got a girlfriend now huh?                  

Me: Yep I sure do!                                              

Nate: Is she white?                                               

Me: yes

Nate:Is she blonde?

Me: yep

Nate: Ha I knew it!

Nate is such a dork at times but I freaking love the guy!

Sadly I'm the only UCAS student in Psychology 1010... Its such a big class and the annoying ginger that I had a class with last semester is in there too ugh my life is a lie. 

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