Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 3 go mom!

Day 3! well since I'll mostly be talking about my mom since there's nothing but good about her and nothing about my dad much because there's nothing good about him! Oh wait he has good genes but other than that eh

not much... It's kinda sad to say I couldn't find a full family photo with my dad even in it and if there was we lost it. (Left Mommy and me!, Below um damn I don't know if that's chelsey or me

we both freaking looked the same as babies)

Well I've mentioned this wonderful person numerous times but it's not enough. She has the strongest will and mind set that any mother can have. She has raised the four of us on her own with little or no help with my dad being the worst.

She struggled financially and still is today due to the bastard for not paying child support. Some kids say their parents are the greatest but I see them in much better situations than mine and my mom pulled through abuse, neglect, and other hard ships. I know other parents who were in the same situation but didn't turn out so great like my mom.

She taught us the right moral values and openly lets us make our own life choices even if she dislikes them. She's the living example that the best kind of people are the ones who make it through the worse and come out stronger
Chelsey's graduation from pre-school ignore the crappy hairsyles of Nate and Me
Me madre always just loves to scrap book she has literally taken photos of every moment in our lives I'm just using one of her pages for an example and trust me it looks better than this I just have a crappy printer. She took pictures of moments that I don't even remember till now and she just has nothing but love to give and were all much better off without my dad. :)

1 comment:

  1. your mom is awesome. and i love how you dont know if that's you or chelsea XD hahahaha. :)


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