Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 1!

Okie dokie here's day one! 

Mi nombre es Dominic Antonio Delgado (ha some of the extremely few words I know in the spanish language). I hate myself now for asking how I got that name. At first I thought it was after St. Dominic but then my mom told me she got the idea for the name from *facepalm* a fashion designer...if that's not gay I don't know what is. So I have three siblings: two from a different marriage and one from the same dad (oh I'm gonna have a blast mentioning him).

I'm just a regular 17 year old dude from utah ha kidding I'm an individual just like everyone else! I tend to be lazy and need motivation to get things done! Did I mention I'll be 18 this year and I still have yet to even get my permit? Told ya I'm lazy :p I'm not living the usual high school experience which I believe is glamorized by the media and really is a bunch of drama that includes girls who um lets just say they like gymnastics and like doing the splits A LOT and guys who can't comprehend two plus two but can bench-press Oprah and Rosie O'Donnell (sorry if your fan of either of the two just making a point here) and mind you these are the people who have no future so moving on...

I'm in some fancy pants High School College Prep place called UCAS oh it sounds cool at first then you realize the whole school is a freaking trailer! You would think that the kids who actually are planning on going into a higher education would get nicer facilities. I usually have a very low tolerance for the annoyance that goes on in our school and at times I openly tell them to shut the hell up and sometimes the teachers even hear me (with no comment) but I know in their minds their thanking me.

Um so other than that school junk here are some of my major interests/facts some might not even know about.

I love Japanese culture and the philosophy that comes along with it
I have a major obsession with exotic pets, here are some I would love to have! 

  • I tend to have fun when people tend to mislabel me and I can spot their true ignorance.
  • I'm a book worm at heart and I love to read informational novels about topics that no one seems to get
  • I'm an atheist in a state full of religion
  • I hate that even though I'm Hispanic people can tell when I blush
  • Tattoos are the greatest form of art that anyone can truly express themselves with even if society frowns upon it 

  • Opeth's sweet and dark music calms my nerves
  • Metal is my religion 
  • I don't censor myself from the world whether it's beautiful or ugly and willing to face what happens when others tend to hide from it and they only will accept happy things. I mean for their to be light and good there has to be dark and evil why not embrace it?
  • My life revolves way too much around video games mainly Call of Duty and Gears of War pfft screw Halo only kiddies play that garbage
  • I'm in a band 
  • My little sister and dog may be dorks but you lay a hand on either one of them. I'll either one rip your throat out or two my foot will get friendly with your ass.

Well that's all for day one peace.

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