Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Gears of War 3 Screenshot

Yep UVU Finals are over! Woo and I passed my Math Class ya suck it! Got a 84% on the final which I think it's pretty amazing for me at least. So I finally got a day to relax from school and I spent it in bed playing gears 3 and reading....I love my life! Ya sure a C- isn't great, but I'm still proud I made it through it and I'll be done. Well back to some game playing peace!

Monday, April 25, 2011

It's Easter Ya Douche Bag!

Ha I thought that title sounded cool in my head....Well it was a good easter I must say so much better than last year...In fact I hated last year's easter so very much. Is was that day that I will never forget. All the stuff I learned about my dad that was kept from us all those years we found out last Easter. I remember waking up to mom's yelling on the phone and Chelsey crying. I came upstairs to see what was going on and mom explain everything. How dad has been living with another woman (who is quite the bitch I might add) for a good eight or so years. She even said that they have a kid together who I haven't even met to this day.

So she then explained how the bitch has been calling all morning telling Chelsey how much their in love and of course Chelsey got pissed. She started to talk smack and then that whore threatened to track us down which terrified her of course. I then took the phone from mom, and decided to give this sack of crap a lovely phone call. Once she answered I immediately started yelling. From what I remembered I called her things like: whore, bitch, heartless, and I guess  adulterer? Or so what mom told me. I never was so angry in my life..The anger made me black out parts of the conversation and after it.

Today parts of it is still a blur to me, but I still remember why I hate him. The bastard even tried to talk to me today, but I made sure to remind him why I don't. :)

This year's Easter it was just me at home while Mom and Chelsey went out for the weekend. I made myself breakfast and played Black Ops till I went over to grandma's with Nate and Nicole. It was a good time, I went into food induced coma from eating so much and played with my niece! Sadly though I didn't get any peeps this year. It drove me nuts and I begged mom to buy me some and she agreed to buy some tomorrow :).
I want this shirt so badly....

This week is gonna be insane. I got my Math final coming up and I'm SCREWED. So I'm gonna be studying to the max so I can pass..Then I have a job interview at Little Ceasers that I hope I can ace and get the job. Well on plus side starting tomorrow I get to finally play the GEARS 3 BETA! AHH! I been waiting for months for it to come out I'm one happy nerdo...Well I hope you all had an amazing Easter :)
Isn't that awesome!?

Friday, April 22, 2011


Yes freaking finally....although I still have my math final but eh I'm gonna have to study hardcore! Along with that I don't have to deal with the dumbasses in my math class anymore! (ya I know I'm one to talk). Seriously in the last two days I got in two arguments with some of the annoying people in our class. On our last math lab day Craig wrote out problems on the board for us to do and I went straight the matrices (love them!). As I was working on a cramer's rule problem this one blonde (Short hair with glasses if your reading this nina) came up to me.

Her first response was "Your doing it wrong...". Now I'm used to be told that in terms of math, but I freaking knew for a fact I was doing this right! I ignored her and kept working on the problem. She blurts out again, "Your still doing it wrong..". Then while trying to keep my temper I gladly asked,"Well if that's the case then how do you do it?". She tried to show me and she made it extremely complex and she even did it wrong! I tried to explain to her what she did wrong and ah she wouldn't listen so we start arguing like crazy! I eventually just plain out told her to shut the hell up and to that she doesn't know what she was doing. So she finally walked away and when I had Craig check it guess what? I did it right!! Stupid beeotch...

Then today in our last math class we did board problems again and luckily I had Nate help me. We both went straight to the problems we didn't quite know how to do and worked on them for a while. Then suddenly this chick comes up to us (the one you hate nina ha!). Immediately she starts to state why and how were wrong...I didn't even have to say anything Nate instantly got bothered. He hates being proven wrong more than anything and math is his thing. He ends up making her look like a total moron and it made me very happy. Sure he can has his moments of being annoying, cocky, mean, and well special, but I still love the guy and he knows his stuff.   

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

One Last Thing!

Here's one last thing for "4/20" enjoy! Even if your butt hurt about this topic you can't help but admit how catchy this song is...


Guess what day it is!? That right's you freaking hippies it's 4/20! The "national" holiday for you pot heads!

But seriously though I didn't celebrate it in the manner some of you might of done. I just thought hey why not recognize this day? I mean that other hippy holiday is coming up next week...

Well I did listen to some Bob Marley and Sublime that counts right?? Well I best better be heading to bed got some tests tomorrow night all!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What the??

Well I have two things to be shocked about today well my biology test score today wasn't all that great but the thing was MY GRADE DIDN'T CHANGE AT ALL! What the hell is going on!? Is Busath just taking pity on me or something? Either way I'm happy but next week I got two test this is DOO DOO!

Second I finally beat Halo "Gaylo" Reach today and it was the first halo where the end didn't totally suck donkey dong....So ya sorry for not updating lately just dont have much to update about. Well till now since I'm blogging right this second. So I got all set up for my UVU classes next semester and I still need to test into freaking english 1010...But I'm very happy to say that I'll have a class with Nina that isn't math for once and senior connect I'm so very excited. Also this weekend is prom and instead of going KresLynn and I are going out to dinner and going to see Sucker Punch it's gonna be great! Have fun kiddies! :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Unforgiving

Well crap now I can't seem to fall asleep! Guess I'm just too excited since tomorrow is Friday yes! So instead of sleeping I'm pimping out my desktop, talking to Nina and Ernesto, listening to the new Within Temptation album (check it out!!!), and of course thinking about her.

It's amazing we been together for four months now and things are still going great of course. So far we haven't had anything to argue about since she likes my music and video games theres not much conflict ha! I mean the only case that we even "argued" was who got who sick which was pretty funny and even Mr.Baron got involved.

The best part is that we can rub it in the people who didn't think we would last long. Ha suck it! :p

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's A Lockdown in Gangland

Wow I been neglecting my blog quite a bit haven't I? I mean I still get on here and just read other people's blogs but, lately I haven't felt like posting much. It's been a crazy week and saturday I'm taking the stupid ACT Residual but luckily Mr.Baron accept my request and UCAS is covering my fee. So lately I been watching crazy stuff on netflix lately. Mainly Lockdown and Gangland which you can already tell what they are talking about. It's just absolutely insane what goes on in prison. When people see a felon being convicted for their crime they think ah justice is served. Yes justice is served but gang's consider conviction an honor.

What some convicts do in their free time

What I really wanna know is what drove these people to such inhumane acts such as murder and rape.
One of the gangs formed behind bars (Aryan Brotherhood)
I never quite understood gangs and why they do the things that they do and the hypocrisy the resides them.

Well I'm rather tired and I get to be with my girl tomorrow peace. (Ill try to do more posts this weekend)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

So just for the heck of it I felt like thinking of possible band names I would use if in the case scenario if I start up a band! It was quite fun and you musicians out there should try the same just for kicks. 

Here's some:
  • Chaotic Tranquility
  • Moonshield
  • Jester
  • Castlevania
  • Skorge
  • Omen
  • Icipher
  • Dark Mass
  • Shaman
  • Paricia
  • Ursus
  • The Cosmos
  • Hex Omega

Against The World

What a great day! I got three amazing albums and a sweet little EP on the side damn I love music...It's something no matter much someone hates it they can't take it away from me. So I woke up today at 12 feeling great and with no band practice to go. Which I hate the fact that I really haven't gotten over it which I thought I would by now. Especially last night...there was a gig at The Ozz I could of been playing at which I was really bummed about. Oh well best thing to is to move on right?

I mean I wish they could of cut me some on slack due to my schedule but, V:I:C never really matched my favorite style of playing. Damn I even state reasons why I should be over it and I'm still not! But tonight was great KresLynn cheered me up and we went out for dinner and saw Rango (movie is awesome go watch it!). I love her so very much and I consider myself lucky: I know, she knows, everyone knows.

Now I have to start getting ready for this upcoming crappy week...Got a math test and the ACT Residual to take. Which I feel so pressured about because the fact whether or not I get my associates depends on that test!  >.<

Well one more post then it's off to bed peace. P.S. Nina I love that bracelet it's so awesome! Thanks again :)

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