Friday, April 22, 2011


Yes freaking finally....although I still have my math final but eh I'm gonna have to study hardcore! Along with that I don't have to deal with the dumbasses in my math class anymore! (ya I know I'm one to talk). Seriously in the last two days I got in two arguments with some of the annoying people in our class. On our last math lab day Craig wrote out problems on the board for us to do and I went straight the matrices (love them!). As I was working on a cramer's rule problem this one blonde (Short hair with glasses if your reading this nina) came up to me.

Her first response was "Your doing it wrong...". Now I'm used to be told that in terms of math, but I freaking knew for a fact I was doing this right! I ignored her and kept working on the problem. She blurts out again, "Your still doing it wrong..". Then while trying to keep my temper I gladly asked,"Well if that's the case then how do you do it?". She tried to show me and she made it extremely complex and she even did it wrong! I tried to explain to her what she did wrong and ah she wouldn't listen so we start arguing like crazy! I eventually just plain out told her to shut the hell up and to that she doesn't know what she was doing. So she finally walked away and when I had Craig check it guess what? I did it right!! Stupid beeotch...

Then today in our last math class we did board problems again and luckily I had Nate help me. We both went straight to the problems we didn't quite know how to do and worked on them for a while. Then suddenly this chick comes up to us (the one you hate nina ha!). Immediately she starts to state why and how were wrong...I didn't even have to say anything Nate instantly got bothered. He hates being proven wrong more than anything and math is his thing. He ends up making her look like a total moron and it made me very happy. Sure he can has his moments of being annoying, cocky, mean, and well special, but I still love the guy and he knows his stuff.   

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