Monday, September 20, 2010

Dammit son of a bitch dammit.....

Well this looks familiar.... 

God damn this day sucked horribly I got fucked over by a girl AGAIN awesome.....I was so bummed out by it that I didn't do any homework whatsoever, just slept most of the day wanting it to end. Pretty much just the typical depressed teen behavior. Why do people who don't know what they want just tell you how much they have feelings for you and wanna be with you and then BAM last minute they changed their mind? That doesn't fuck with my mind and emotions AT ALL.

God life fucking sucks and now I was just barely finally able to get into my Fitness For Life online assignments and I was too late, the due dates for all my assignments was already passed. Well that's just fanfuckingtastic so now I'm already doing shitty in my fitness class and my Biology packet is due tomorrow and I totally blew that off just not caring about anything right now. Maybe I can just stay home tomorrow so I can just sleep and weep like a small child in my bed because nothing else seems to help that's for damn sure. 

Also that little asshole piece of shit of a father called me today. I know better to not answer his calls but his voicemails are always like "Hey I love you lets do something together this weekend" You know what FUCK YOU OLD MAN! Seriously quit calling me, get off your dirty peruvian ass and start paying mom and maybe I'll do something with you if that's what it takes. 

This made me laugh 

If god exist he's probably just has been flipping me off for the past few days knowing that my existence is just one big middle finger right to his face or something like that.....So now what to do? Some say move on from her and not to worry about it. Oh hey while I'm at it I'll shave my head, dress like a missionary, and go around ask "Hello neighbor have you heard about the word of god?" ya see it's not that easy for me to just move on. So I think anything cute and cuddly or has a sense of innocence shouldn't come near me for the next few days for I will feel like just grabbing the little creature and tear their intestines out and force feed it to my dog...Well I thought of that as a well done ranting/venting post I'm now gonna go back to bed and listen to Imperfect Harmonies again it's such an amazing album. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. Dommy :( I'm so sorry. Let me know If there is anything That I can do. I love you!


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