Friday, September 17, 2010

Imperfect Harmonies

Damn this album rules

Ah the music world just got 930240329849023843249 times better I was on and happen to see that the new Serj Tankian (Ex-Lead singer of System Of A Down) album was available and it doesn't come out for four more days! That totally just help me get over how much the new Disturd and Avenged Sevenpoopfold albums sucked donkey anus.

So other than ranting about music, school has been decent now that the weekend is finally here and today in math I ACTUALLY KNEW WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON!!! English was boring as hell Tyler's class is a joke compared Smith's we haven't had an assignment that has been challenging at all except for the memoir but I just used my old one from last year. Also my sweet little evil sister let me use her laptop today and I sat in the AC watching South Park (god I love that show) and I didn't realized that I had the speakers up so loud everyone in the building could hear it and Nathanael (Mr. ERGGG) thought it was stupid, pfft it's better than your gay ass yugi-mon cards you freaking honkey.

I was HOPING to hang out with Nick and Kaniho today but I guess they forgot to call me to see what they were up to and no one even answered my calls pfft thanks assholes I had nothing to do today. Ugh too tired and pissed to finish this post haha I'm gonna go to bed, Nate's wedding is tomorrow can't wait! Peace.

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