Sunday, September 12, 2010


Some sushi that I got from UVU, this is the California Crunch Roll it was so damn good I love sushi

Once again I finally have some free time to update my blog yay! So this was an alright week for me, just another week at UCAS trying to not fail my classes and so far I'm doing alright. I had my second Biology test this week and oh man I can't help but wanna cry that test was disgusting!! Nothing but chemistry topics and I had the hardest time comprehending the facts and I didn't get it and to make matters worse I HAVE to take a chemistry class at UVU for my major whoopee..... Although I freaking kicked ass on my Medical Terminology test. I now have a feeling that's going to be my easiest UVU class by far woo!

Random little stuff animal doggy thing that me, Alex, and Nick saw at the mall

Well my best friend douche bag person aka Nick got to meet Alex, at first it was pretty chill but god damn I can feel so much tension between the two that day at the mall, it was pretty ridiculous. I even warned Nick before hand to NOT get into any form of an argument whatsoever with her but he just had to say a sexist comment around her and I was thinking "oooh this isn't gonna end well.....". But that day and today got me thinking about my friends and how some of them I can't hang out with all at the same time because there's either some form of tension, grudges, or just mainly how some are major opposites and wouldn't get along.

Excuse me for the arrogant comment but I wish some of my friends could be like me and just adapt to hang out with different people. Because I hang out with preppy kids, molly mormons, jocks, emu's, indie kids, metal heads, druggies etc. After just hanging out with anyone maybe around three times I almost exactly know what my limits are and what to and what NOT to say around them.

Some people say "Dom you sick piece of garbage your nothing more than a fake who can't be himself around others!" My response is: no you stupid prom night dumpster baby I just know HOW to respect my friends for their differences. Yes I do mess with them for liking indie music or wearing pants so tight that they'll end up sterile and not be able to have little emu children. But overall I honestly don't mind their differences from mine. For an example I'm atheist and just about all but a few of my friends are religious and I don't care if they are or not it's their life choice. Just don't even think about trying to convince me to go religious, my life is a luxury without it don't take that away from me.

Nick if you are reading which I extremely doubt that you even are. You seriously need to cut down on that self destructive behavior and clean up your act. Please for love of god (yes I know that's ironic go pat yourself on the back for pointing that out) just go back the way you are. When you didn't listen to such terrible music, doing drugs, drinking, messing around with Chelsey's friends (seriously that's fucked up) or saying how much you can lift knowing I don't give a rat's ass because I don't tolerate arrogance. If you don't fix that I don't know how much longer I can even be your friend seriously get your shit together and try to do better for your life.

Ignore the horrible hand writing and punctuation error you get the idea.

For English we had a simple assignment to do. Come up with a six word memoir to write with chalk and when my friends saw what I wrote some of they saw it was depressing. I mean it's true most of my life my dad was hardly ever around if he was I was most likely too little to remember him being around much.

It's just how my childhood was, ya kinda was sad but I bet my older siblings had it bad too. Their dad wasn't around much and lived in Texas so they didn't get to see him very often. Plus they had to witness the abuse my mom went through when she got with my dad and I was probably too little at that time as well to remember what exactly happened.

The little good that I saw coming out of the whole situation was that I didn't respond to what went on in a negative way (mostly thanks to my mom). I even met some kids who went through exactly what I did and they were out doing drugs and having sex. I'm just so happy that I didn't end up like them and I turned out better then they did by just trying to move on.

Well that's all I can remember at the moment to update about what's going on in my life other than that my brother's wedding is this upcoming Saturday I can't wait even though I have to dress all fancy. I'm now gonna hit the hay I'm so damn tired and I got another week of school to live through yay.

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