Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 17: Your Favorite Memory

Well this was a tricky one to think of. I spent the past couple of hours going through all the photos my mom took of my whole childhood to get ideas but the one photo I just couldn't was this awesome cake she made on my 11th birthday.
Kinda looked like this
It was no doubt one of the best birthdays ever! Nick, Andrew, Shawn, Marvin, Brett, Ammon, and Robbie all came over and we had a huge halo system link party. I don't care if you find this lame but come on we got to use four different T.V.'s and had a shiz load of food! We were up most of the night and I missed those days with no care in the world about school and other stupid crap I have to worry about now. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 16 First Kiss? First Mistake?

Ha kidding I actually don't regret my first kiss :p I still remember it to this day. It was in the summer after 7th grade and I believe My Chemical Romance was playing in the background?? She loved them and me ehh not so much. It was great and I had a smile on my face for the rest of the day I couldn't be any happier. Then a two or so weeks later we broke up oh well life goes on. Plus now the girl I'm getting kisses from now is much better! That is all. Next post.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 15: Dreams

I love dreams! It's amazing what the human mind can do when your fast asleep. Some of the coolest dreams I've ever had was mostly me being on stage and playing with some of the greatest bands on earth! If only if it wasn't a dream :(. So have you ever had those kind of dreams where your being chased by a serial killer with a chainsaw? Ya I've had those, but instead of the one being chased I'm usually the person chasing you which freaked the hell out of me when I woke up. But I think one of the most insane dreams I've had of all time and still is carved into my skull!

So it started out at this huge venue where my band was playing a gig. The show was over and we were packing up then suddenly some creeper busted into our bus and kidnapped Gabi! I started going after the guy but I couldn't keep up and he got away. I was out alone and was by a dock then out of the blue a big orange submarine appeared right before my eyes. The hatch opened and Nina's head popped and she yelled saying. "Hey you coming along to save your bandmate or what?". I was puzzled but hopped in. It was rather packed and smelled like bad fish. So I sat in the back with some random guy who had dreads and a eye page asking for my name over and over again after I answered numerous times.

Then the submarine stopped and Nina yelled, "Were here!" Then I was ejected from the submarine and I was alone again. I wondered around aimlessly and walked into a town that looked like something out of Nightmare Before Christmas. There was no one in sight till I came upon the town square. It was packed! It looked like a parade was going on then I noticed these four girls all of which I knew. They were Sarah, Carli, Jerica, and Annie. I talked to them for a bit then they had to leave for the parade. Then Affy and Randi appeared from the shadows and we had a big group hug. We then walked into the night and fireworks started going off and I'm The Highway by In Flames started playing in the background.

Thats it the dream ended. I woked up so freaking pissed because I didn't want it to end!! I never even found Gabi but that was by far one of the coolest dream's I've ever had!

Day 14: What I Wore Today II

Seriously? I already did a post about this! Well um I wore:

  • Black Skinny jeans (woah that's a coincidence :p )
  • Gray V-neck
  • Brown Hoody 
  • Hemp Necklace 

Pfft this post sucked next one!

Day 13: Your Week

Well I had an amazing week it had some ups and downs but here goes:
Monday: Went to math as usual, feeling more dead on the inside the longer I'm in that class I swear Nate and Nina are the only ones keeping me sane in that class full of brain dead monkeys that fling doo doo at each other... Then I spent the my second free hour with randi and austin just walking around uvu not doing much. Mondays are never interesting..

Tuesday: Well this day had a bumpy start! Being the retard that I am I forgot Nate's homework at home so we had to get Nicole to drive us back and I knew if it wasn't for her I wouldn't be posting this right now. Then on our way back I got a new sweet guitar but I already mentioned that in a previous post. But, the worst part of the day was when I got back to UCAS and KresLynn told me that she got in a accident. Which scared me to death of course and she had a terrified look on her face. I felt so bad for her and the cops told her if the truck that hit her just moved in two more inches she would of been a goner...But luckily she's still here today and I couldn't be any happier. :)
Wednesday: It was a somewhat better day I suppose. Nothing happened till Biology, because we had a dissection that day! Whenever we do them I would be the only who would even touch the damn thing. Which I had no problem with just means more mutilation for me :D But when I made the first cut into the crayfish it freaking squirted in my eye! (that's what she said). Busath started to have a heart attack about it so I had to wash it out and for the rest of the day my eye was itchy.

By 7th period I was exhausted but luckily I get out early every day now. So I went and walked KresLynn to math then we bumped into Alex. He started laughing and kept calling me whipped. Which of course pissed me off because I know for one that I'm not whipped. Along with him four other people told KresLynn that she whips me which then just frustrated me because I absolutely hate it when people say shit about me but are clearly wrong.

Thursday: Boring day nothing fun oh I played some Castlevania woo!

Friday: Best day of the week! I spent it with KresLynn of course :) We always have the greatest time! All we need is South Park and it's perfect.

Saturday: I woke up sick and slept in till 1 and ended up skipping out on bad practice for the 3rd time oops...After feeling better I went to my friend Bri's who I haven't seen in 8 months because she's been in rehab. It was great seeing her again and that she's doing so much better now with no drugs and no terrible friends. Then I headed home with some friends and we played some Black Ops and watched The Orphanage.

Sunday: I woke up feeling like crap with Chelsey waking me up saying that dad was on his way to take us out for lunch ugh...So I sucked it up and had lunch with him which wasn't too bad actually. It was mostly small talk and I wasn't too annoyed of him that day but I'm still on no-speaking terms with him which is nothing new. The rest of the day I spent playing games and studied for the math test all night! I didn't go to bed and the next day I was dying I even fell asleep during the math test..Which I know I failed AGAIN oh well I know I'm not meant to do mathematics.

Well that's a week of me nothing too amazing but there it is. Peace.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 12: What's in your bag?

Hmm lets take a look....Um there's:

  • Severed goat heads
  • a book titled "Are you there God? It's Me, Dom"
  • Guinea Pig Pelts
  • Ceremonial Sacrificial Knife (I don't go anywhere without that)
  • Old pen pal letters to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab I wonder what that fellow is up to these days...(Seriously if you don't get that google that name)
  • A photo of Charles Manson with his signature with a side note saying "Live your dreams Dom, KILL! KILL THE INNOCENT!"
  • A Guitar pick carved from Satan's horn
  • A lock of Cliffy B's hair
Okay obviously I own none of these! Although I wouldn't mind having some of them in my possession...I made all those up because what I usually have in my bag is typical boring school stuff and books. Well this is my fourth post of night woo! I feel pretty accomplished. I probably wont do the next day till Friday since the topic is "Your week" and this one hasn't ended yet. Peace.

Day 11: The Other Hellspawns in The Family

Aw my siblings with our own form of evil! I can just feel the love, or is that brimstone??
Amber The oldest of the Four: Quite the amazing individual I must say. Very intelligent and strong willed. She isn't afraid to argue or stand up for anybody! You get on this girl's nerves and she will have no problem tearing your heart out. Then put it back then and just for the hell out of it she'll rip it out again. I lost count of all the times she helped me out whether it was with friends, girls, and huge papers. She has two amazing kids and a husband who loves to torture me. Right now she's doing basic over in South Carolina for the military and Amber if your reading this I did read up on what's going on Egypt and it's just tragic on what's going on over there. I love ya and wish ya luck on your training! Now go make the men look like a bunch of pansies!
Nate The Second Oldest of the Four: Well I already did a whole post dedicated to the guy but I believe he should be mentioned again. This week he has already helped me out with math quite a bit and said I should come over to his place this weekend to study for the math test which I know I'll need help on. Today when we had to go the house because being the tard I am I forgot my math homework. 
While on our way back I notice a guitar case and asked about it. Nicole said that it was her's and she rarely ever touched it which I can tell seeing how nice it was. Then out of the blue she asked "Do you want it?". I didn't know what to say! It was such a nice guitar and they were gonna sell it too. I gladly accepted her request and got myself a new acoustic. The second I got home I instantly pulled it out of the case and looked up some tabs and played some Opeth and Bob Marley so as you can tell I'm already in love with it. 

Chelsey The Other Brown Child of the Four: My little sister is well um let's say.....special ya thats it. Now that Amber and Nate are out of the house it's just the two of us. Every morning is like a battle for getting ready for school. We tend to argue over the dumbest things and I mean really dumb like "Who took all the hair-ties!?" or some of our conversations are like this:

D: Oh my god you been on the couch watching this all day quit being fat!
C: Your fat.
D: Your mom.
C: We have the same mom retard...
D: Nuh-uh you came in a box from mexico!
C: At least I'm loved.
D: I hate you...
See we just love making each other's lives as miserable as possible which I guess is our own form of love I suppose. I kinda wish she would drop the ditz act and keep her actual friends, not the whores that spread rumors about her and use her. 

Well that's my siblings for ya and no one will ever understand us. The cute loving family image is overrated anyway :p. I mean come on what's better? Hugging your little sister, or hugging your little sister and slipping an ice cube down her shirt? Peace.

Day 10 What I Wore Today

Pfft wouldn't you wanna know? :p Well if you must know this is what I wore today:
  • Black skinny jeans
  • Etnies (black people shoes haha)
  • My black and white Shemagh (aka arab scarf)
  • Black Label Society shirt (woo Zakk Wylde for the win!)
  • Leather Bracelet
  • Brown Hoodie
  • Um does a hair tie count?? o.o
What I WISH I had to wear today:
  • Earrings
  • A tattoo would be nice...
Well this post was boring hmm next one!

Day 9 Belief's

Richard Dawkins : One of my most favored scientist and authors
Well I been slacking off on this post in particular because I tend to over think when it comes to my own beliefs. I promise to not  make this too long because I know people would get bored and annoyed by my rants. So starting off I love History and Politics! I always loved learning about our past and how the cultures in those times would interact with one another.

Which means I love going into debates, but with a person who has an idea and mind set of their own, not their parent's. My favorite kind of topics in particular to discussed about is usually Gay Marriage and Religion (since the two have a form of a relation).

For Gay Marriage, I highly believe that is should be legalized and accepted in society. People should put down their religious text and look at those couples and see that they too can love one another even if their same sex's. If your against of what I just said feel free to talk to me about it, I could go on for days on end because I find it hard to believe that people can get away with saying something like your love isn't natural god wouldn't approve.

Religion, a subject that I'm not afraid to talk about in front of anyone because it's a free country and I have the right to state my opinions same with everyone else. I would want nothing more than organized religion to be wiped off the face of the earth. I want to be in a society where people would believe in themselves, not the big man in the sky.

So many terrible events could of been prevented if it weren't for religion such as: The Crusades, Salem Witch Trials, The Spanish Inquisition, 9/11, The Holocaust and the war that's going on right now in the Middle East. It's the reason why some of those poor teenagers who are lesbian, gay, or bisexual who go as far as attempting suicide because someone's religion call them an "abomination".

It's a damn shame it really is. I know when I have children of my own I won't take an advantage of their fragile developing mind and allow them to properly grow with strong morals values that I been taught by my mother without a book.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 8 A Moment

Still way behind on this day thingy but oh well I'm just gonna take it day by day instead of doing a bunch all at once :p So I thought this topic was DOO DOO and too narrow to get a good idea but here are some
 moments I can remember.

Some of the most intense moments in my life have always been all the metal shows that I go to! I still remember my first one to this day. It was Killswitch Engage headlining with guests: Dragonforce, Chimera, and He Is Legend. It was an amazing night! I had this sweet photo of some idiot getting his ass kicked by security guards but I can't seem to find it :( . 

To this day I know I haven't gone to enough concerts I still have many bands that I need to see live, but since I live in this poor excuse of a state not many good bands come her and we get crap for band festivals all we get is that Warped Tour emo crap. 

I mean I would kill to go the Europe they get the greatest Metal Festivals on earth!! There's the Wacken Festival in Germany, The Unholy Alliance Festival in The UK, Neurotic Deathfest in the Netherlands, Download Festival in England, The Sonisphere Festival and ya you get the idea. 
The bands that I just have to see at least once in my life!
In Flames
Arch Enemy
Dimmu Borgir
Between The Buried and Me
Dark Tranquillity
Dream Theater
Solution .45
The Big Four
Cannibal Corpse
Children of Bodom
Marilyn Manson
System of A Down


I've had great and terrible moments at this trailer! The main highlights were with some besties of mine: Nina, Affy, and Randi. For starters during the first semester in English was so embarrassing for me.. I still remember to this day in English on Halloween, I fell asleep in the back of the class while Williams the wiener was trying to tell a scary story but he did a terrible job at it. I was out cold with my head leaning against the window and my mouth was wide open, Williams notices and yells at me to wake up and I wouldn't wake up. If that didn't make it worse the whole class laughed at me and I still wouldn't wake up! Randi and Affy had to freaking shake me just to wake me up and I never felt so dumb in my life.... 

Next were Math and Art Advisory with Nina! She and the other girls in class would do freaky hair experiments with that ended with um interesting results lets just say that. After that right before Math, Nina and I would hang out in the hallway and talk for a bit till we took notice of the nerd love that went on! I even took pictures but I lost them :( Then in Math we would not stop talking and got away with so much crap like the time I called Brandon a honkey right in front of Derbridge, or when Nathaniel got his nickname ERRGG for yelling that same word in class and we started just laughing our asses off! 

Well after hours of thinking that's really all the moments I can think of or even bother to mention ya I suck get over it I'm heading to bed peace.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 7 My Besties!

This was a tricky one to talk about because I have numerous friends that each one of them is special to me in every way! So I came up with the top two of my best friends one from my friends and the other from my family :). So first off lets start with my friend category.


Well it's no contest here on out of all of my friends I consider my best friend. Sure I have some childhood friends and friends that I hang out with all time, but Nina is always the first to come to mind when I think who is my best friend. :) I still remember when we had our first conversation which was on facebook about Bob Marley! The funny thing is though there are very very very VERY few things we have in common at all. We tend to have a different mindset and opinions on topics. Which I never thought I would see in the best friend but there's a first for everything. But we always have the greatest moments at the nerd love trailer of smellyness. 

I still remember the days in Art Advisory where were either annoying the hell out of everyone or she's playing with my hair which was no doubt a good time and help me get over my pet peev about people touching my hair. To make things better some of the best days were I would take photos of creepy nerd love for nina and we posted them on facebook call us heartless if you must but we probably won't give a damn :). If  that wasn't good enough I remember the first day of junior year and halloween where Nina and I went around making movies that were a blast and everyone ended up loving them! 

But, this wasn't a truly perfect friendship at times there's been times where we might not talk for ages and I usually have no one else to talk to. Then to makes things more on the iffy side we rarely ever hang out because 1. We both lacked a license and 2. I'm a guy who doesn't quite fit the right qualifications that parent's might have. Still the times that we do are always fun like the time Nina and Alex came over for my birthday and attacked my hair! Or during the summer last year me along with some ucas nerdos went over to nina's to hang out which I LOVED! 

In the end with the obstacles that keep us from hanging out outside of school were still able to help each other through thick and thin. I been friends with this awesome indie buddie for about two years now and next is the rest of our lives. I love ya bestie you always make my day!.


I think it's awesome that both of my best friends start with an N even though it's just coincidence of course! From my family section it's obvious who it is and that would be my brother! My whole life this guy has been like a father to me. He's done more than what my own father could ever do and that is caring and loving me. Along with being a father figure to me Nate also knew how to get on my nerves at times which is normal in our family we all push each other's buttons and don't know when to stop.

I still remember the days of us playing video games together and I would watch him playing Final Fantasy games for hours because I freaking fell in love with the franchise of course.Along with video games Nate also got me into Philosophy writings which opened my eyes about the world that people are too ignorant or scared to talk about. Next was anime, oh man my all time favorite as a kid was Dragonball Z! I remember every week we would get a new tape in the mail (hell ya vhs for the win!) and I would go insane! The cool thing too was when you have all the tapes together they come out to a sweet image.

 He taught me how to take things from a logical perspective and how to think for myself which in the end did push me away from religion and friends that I consider a bad influence. Some people would call my brother a bad guy for some of the things he's done in life but I'm still behind him 100%. He was the man of the house when it was us three and always worked hard to make our mom happy by helping out with all the insane projects that she has. He may be appear to be mean and actually quite scary on the outside, but he's like a bear on the inside and like a bear you don't wanna piss it off that's for sure...
Today he's still helping me out with any of my problems whether it's school or raiding on World of Warcraft. Which brings up the awesome fact that we have Math together which I never thought would happen for starters. He's a freaking genius when it comes to Math 1050 and I usually end up feeling stupid not knowing anything! That guy can probably come to class high as a kite and still know to solve and graph polynomials. Now to mention one of the greatest memories I'll never forget with Nate. It was two summers ago and my mom was beyond pissed at Chelsey about not coming home or something like that? The scary part is when my mom is mad at one person she then gets mad at everyone! So she was freaking out and I was downstairs to stay out of it. 

Then Nate came in to my room and asked me "Hey I'm going to red lobster with some friends and then going to go see The Hangover with them you in?". I couldn't be any happier at that time because I wanted out of the house so badly and didn't wanna deal with mom. So we head over to his friends for a bit and then headed out for the night! It was such a good time and that my brother doesn't act like he's too cool to bring along his little brother to hang out with his friends. At the end of the night he surprised me but buying me some DLC for Call of Duty: World at War which was the new zombie maps that I been wanting for days and we played it for the rest of the night. 

Last thing I wanted to say is well I love you Nate! You've always been there for me for everything and would threaten to kick other people's asses if they dared to even mock me. I'm happy for the life your living now with your amazing wife who also enjoys picking on me as well. Well I'm gonna be behind on this game thing for a while now and hopefully I'll post day 8 tomorrow which will be a huge one peace. P.S. the reason why my blog is looking so girly and fruity is the very same bestie I mentioned earlier.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 6 My Day

Wow I'm like 5 days behind on this game fail.. Anywho hmm my day today was pretty decent! Woke up at 6 to Chelsey's Lady Gage garbage music -.- I swear every morning it's a competition on who's music is the loudest and of course I always win! Then I got to school and headed to math lab which I don't hate as much now since most of the annoying people left. Then I spent the free hour after math with kenny and got some COFFEE!!!!! mmm....

After that I had drawing which was pretty interesting today because for a little project we get to pick a character from a book and depict them in our point of view! I was thinking of doing Dante or Lucifer from The Divine Comedy, Carlos (Dom's brother) or Bernadette Mataki from Gears of War: Aspho Fields and maybe even Cthulhu from the Necronomicon!

After lunch and nearly falling asleep in Biology (again) I had English where I made an ass of myself by falling asleep in class and I sit in front and center fyi. Then Mrs.Tyler throw a freaking marker at me and I woke up scared, almost yelling WHO THE HELL DID THAT!? When I notice it was Tyler who did it I felt so embarrassed..

After entertaining the class Tyler said that on wednesday all of her classes have to dress nice on wednesday and all the guys have to be Chivalric to every girl oh this is gonna be just DANDY! I mean I have no problem with being nice to girls but knowing some of my friends with the evil minds that they possess I know for sure their gonna be creative about it.

I finally got home and found Chelsey glued to the couch again! I swear ever since we got netflix she's been fat and watches Grey's Anatomy all day...Oh they have a episode where lesbians do it ha! Then the rest of the night consisted of playing GTA IV and talking to my best buddy nina! Well that's it for my day not as exciting as I hope but there's always tomorrow :)

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