Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 9 Belief's

Richard Dawkins : One of my most favored scientist and authors
Well I been slacking off on this post in particular because I tend to over think when it comes to my own beliefs. I promise to not  make this too long because I know people would get bored and annoyed by my rants. So starting off I love History and Politics! I always loved learning about our past and how the cultures in those times would interact with one another.

Which means I love going into debates, but with a person who has an idea and mind set of their own, not their parent's. My favorite kind of topics in particular to discussed about is usually Gay Marriage and Religion (since the two have a form of a relation).

For Gay Marriage, I highly believe that is should be legalized and accepted in society. People should put down their religious text and look at those couples and see that they too can love one another even if their same sex's. If your against of what I just said feel free to talk to me about it, I could go on for days on end because I find it hard to believe that people can get away with saying something like your love isn't natural god wouldn't approve.

Religion, a subject that I'm not afraid to talk about in front of anyone because it's a free country and I have the right to state my opinions same with everyone else. I would want nothing more than organized religion to be wiped off the face of the earth. I want to be in a society where people would believe in themselves, not the big man in the sky.

So many terrible events could of been prevented if it weren't for religion such as: The Crusades, Salem Witch Trials, The Spanish Inquisition, 9/11, The Holocaust and the war that's going on right now in the Middle East. It's the reason why some of those poor teenagers who are lesbian, gay, or bisexual who go as far as attempting suicide because someone's religion call them an "abomination".

It's a damn shame it really is. I know when I have children of my own I won't take an advantage of their fragile developing mind and allow them to properly grow with strong morals values that I been taught by my mother without a book.

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