Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 6 My Day

Wow I'm like 5 days behind on this game fail.. Anywho hmm my day today was pretty decent! Woke up at 6 to Chelsey's Lady Gage garbage music -.- I swear every morning it's a competition on who's music is the loudest and of course I always win! Then I got to school and headed to math lab which I don't hate as much now since most of the annoying people left. Then I spent the free hour after math with kenny and got some COFFEE!!!!! mmm....

After that I had drawing which was pretty interesting today because for a little project we get to pick a character from a book and depict them in our point of view! I was thinking of doing Dante or Lucifer from The Divine Comedy, Carlos (Dom's brother) or Bernadette Mataki from Gears of War: Aspho Fields and maybe even Cthulhu from the Necronomicon!

After lunch and nearly falling asleep in Biology (again) I had English where I made an ass of myself by falling asleep in class and I sit in front and center fyi. Then Mrs.Tyler throw a freaking marker at me and I woke up scared, almost yelling WHO THE HELL DID THAT!? When I notice it was Tyler who did it I felt so embarrassed..

After entertaining the class Tyler said that on wednesday all of her classes have to dress nice on wednesday and all the guys have to be Chivalric to every girl oh this is gonna be just DANDY! I mean I have no problem with being nice to girls but knowing some of my friends with the evil minds that they possess I know for sure their gonna be creative about it.

I finally got home and found Chelsey glued to the couch again! I swear ever since we got netflix she's been fat and watches Grey's Anatomy all day...Oh they have a episode where lesbians do it ha! Then the rest of the night consisted of playing GTA IV and talking to my best buddy nina! Well that's it for my day not as exciting as I hope but there's always tomorrow :)

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