Saturday, November 26, 2011


Oh no Thanksgiving Break why must you leave me so soon!? Am I not good enough?? :'( 

Technically tonight was my last fun break day for now seeing that I'm working 10-5 and I still got homework to do after that....I spent today just out cold in bed till roughly 11 and then had the house to myself all day which is great for me! 

Honestly it's the best thing that could ever happen to me is having the whole house to myself. I can do whatever and not care (within given boundaries). 

I played some Modern Warfare 3 and some Dead Island which I won't be doing again till at least after finals and on days that I wont work...Plus I'll have to miss a week of work just for finals alone.... damn.

Now I must head to bed I gotta up Ya thats it! 

Also one last thing!
Normally I wouldn't listen to deathCORE, but this may be one of those few exceptions seeing that Frank Mullen of Death Metal band Suffocation stepped in as guest vocals instantly grabbed my attention so give a listen! If not then screw youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

The Hunter: Dry Bone Valley

One last thing. If I had outstanding vocals that would make people pack a load in their drawers I would so sing this. (FYI:The vocals for this is their drummer)

Thankful, Thankful, THANKFUL!

Yep I made that nice and big so you all can see it! Along with the horrors of black friday I did have a pretty amazing Thanksgiving with my family. I like this day because I really do try and reflect what I have in my life that I'm thankful for (although that should be something done daily). 

I have some pretty amazing friends and family that I know that are there for me along with the best girlfriend anyone could ask for. 

I have a well done education system to get me through life with great health compared to some other places. 
(Debatable to some)

I have a roof over my head that provides shelter and electricity for the things I use on a daily basis like this comp to update my blog for you readers. 

I have rights to say and believe in whatever I wish to do so without fear.

I just hope you all have reflected the things in your life that make it easier day by day.

Sweet Freaking Jesus.....

So for some reason, some how, some way I went Black Friday Shopping......Ya one word sums it up very accurately  HELL.

I highly regretted ever going and to be honest I couldn't find many good deals on stuff, and the majority of the things I wanted for Christmas I bought myself months ago ha! That's called planning ahead! 

Also with that I live in Utah County where the cheapest bastards live and they will do what it takes to get a sale on ANYTHING. I went to Wal Mart and saw: Three fights! Over the dumbest things! Action figures, Video Games, and Clothes. Now don't get me wrong I have a everlasting nerdy passion for games, but wow parents are relentless on getting their kids gifts. I saw whole cardboard bins full of: Battlefield 3, Modern Warfare 3, and Gears of War 3 decimated. 

I saw people trying to pull 360's and PS3's out of the cases and they would pull like three so that no one else can get them and that my friends is what society would label as an: ASS HAT. 

So yes I am quite grumpy at the moment, but I been up for longer than 24 hours so that might just be reason....

Tomorrow I hope to get what school work I need for the week done seeing that I will work Sunday. But, mind you I did not leave stores empty handed and I only got one thing:

This game is simply one of the best I have ever purchased and I only played roughly three or so hours out of the 20+ hours of campaign. But, I hardly scratched the surface of the story. This makes Left 4 Dead and most other zombie games a complete joke. This actually keeps me on the edge since I hardly ever have a safe zone, nor access to many weapons 
(with the fact that they can break and I can only use so much stamina for one.)
Now that's a zombie game! (just think Fallout 3, but with zombies)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wait a sec!

Hello there bloggers still can't sleep....Just wanted to say I went through ALL my posts and made them into my current text format which I saw to be a much better improvement than the random bright colors which made my blog look not well done. Well that is all night! ....again -.-

Fatty Time!!

Yep Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I'm expected to gain some extra weight over the holiday. Today was an insane day. I hardly slept from night before and got woken up at roughly 9ish when KresLynn came over, but that's okay I love waking up to her in the mornings.

Then tomorrow I'm set to go to my Grandmother's for Thanksgiving dinner and then that night starting at midnight I'll be black friday shopping with Kres and her family. Which is a scary thought now I think about it. I hear insane things happen on that day and people even DIED from it. Along with that I heard a news story of a woman even miscarrying. Are people that desperate for a sale on clothing and electronics? Ya bet your ass there are! Especially due to this current economic situation.

Today would also be my last day of work for the week till Sunday which isn't too bad. I WAS suppose to do a simple 4:30-8:30 shift, but I ended up being asked to close which I didn't think was bad because I would get a ride home and I would have some extra hours to make up for the ones I lost during the week. I didn't finish till 1:20 or so!! It was horrible the place was a mess and I'm just exhausted just thinking about it....Although we did get to have some fun!

We had so much extra leftovers that after closing time we just chowed down on some awesome food! Just a heads up all of those containers use to be full of wings...We made all the different flavors we could think of and tried to see who would have the biggest bone pile. I gotta say after that horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE idea I was about to implode with chicken. 

After having some fun we cleaned for hours and HOURS!
(About 3 1/2 hours or so to be exact)
Although we did get to listen to my iPod and got through a Circles EP, Corelia EP, Periphery Album/Ep, and a Breaking Benjamin album! Seriously if I got to listen to my music at work all the time I would be a much happier person. 

I'm home now dead tired and not wanting to sleep, but I just wanna try and get back into the blogging habit again since I enjoy this very much and I see that you guys do too as well seeing that I get numerous views a day from people I do and don't know, but thanks for reading it really does inspire me to post more and in conclusion I leave you with this!! 

Yes! Laugh because it's just that hilarious! I call it obscenity bread :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

AnberIn Flames

My Band

Her band

Both amazing bands. I saw Anberlin live a while back at the Big Ass Show and they were beyond amazing live!! I have yet to see In Flames live and it would be a dream come true to ever see them. 

Although I can't imagine even taking her to many of the shows I want to see or wanted to see in some cases. Just I don't see her enjoying them much o.o . Which sometimes is a sad feeling like I don't really have anyone to go to shows with me anymore. Yet I can always be willing to go to the shows they wish to see which is out of my spectrum of music taste. I'm not trying to sound ungrateful or anything it just would be great if I knew someone that would be ecstatic about shows that I wanna go to or even know about them before I even get the chance to get on SmithTix. 
Especially one of the my current favorite bands Aborted/System Divide will be coming here on April 28, but I probably won't be going there...such a shame 
System Divide

Any one wanna go with me to see these guys?

Children Haven

Phew, last week and this week so far has been one very bumpy ride. I had an exam, quizzes, and a rough draft for a major paper in english to do. I'm excited for the break to start after tomorrow!! (although I work so eh...). Today was extremely tiring. After school Caleb and I headed to the Boys and Girls Club and were there from 2:30 till around 7ish. I love being there and helping the kids, but it's very draining by the end of the night. I was all over the place following kids and I even helped five kids at a time with their homework. I had no idea I was even capable to teach these kids math (although it was like 3-5th grade math).

I hung around the two coolest little guys I have ever met! I would have a picture of them on here, but clearly I don't have their parent's permission. Any who these guys are little brothers named Joel and Josesais ages 9 and 6. Poor guys were separated from each other because they had different teachers, but I gotta pull some strings and I got them into the same class :). Sadly the two of them got picked on a bit by the other kids since they were really short compared to the others. I honestly wanted to smack the back of the heads of those little shits that would not leave them alone.

Another thing is that I'm kinda shocked by this generation of children more than the teens. By 9 or 8 they already want cellphones! Now tell me what kid at that age needs a freaking phone? I remember not getting one till around 13 and that was because we got it for free and I didn't care for phones much back then. Plus I even saw one kid with a BLACKBERRY! Really? It was even better than mine...what the hell...

I still haven't even gotten over them constantly singing the current hit songs playing now. Mostly "Every Day I'm Shuffling" and Justin Bieber and those songs...are just....ya god awful....

I also question on the parenting skills on these kids, but what can I say I like to be a skeptic on just about everything.

Sadly though after volunteering there I kinda question if I ever want kids...Seriously if I had kids like some of those trouble makers I would go mad.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Forever Abomination

Isn't this just one of the most badass album covers you have ever seen!? I take your silence as in "HELL YES, I LOADING MY DRAWERS LOOKING AT THIS!" 

Now onto more interesting things. Today in my Senior Connect class we had to make a realistic plan for future careers. It was rather fun and I feel a bit more at ease. I finally have my education plan all settled :)

I decided to stay at UVU
With this plan I hope to have my Bachelors in Social Work. Since the only other university doing the BSW program is U of U which I don't think I'm exactly ready to go there just YET. I still have it good at home. My mom lets me live here and I don't even pay rent. She doesn't ask for much other than some cleaning here and there. Hell I save money and honestly UVU is not a bad school.

 I don't get what people have up their ass about this university. I know plenty of people going there for mostly Digital Media and it's a great place for people wanting to become firemen. Also the Behavioral Science Department is not all that bad of a department I know quite a bit of the workers there. 

Now after that I hope to go to U of U and have my Masters in Social Work in a year thanks to their advance standing program. With that I hope to work at DCFS or Wasatch Mental Health (since they pay for student loans). Plus U of U is DAMN EXPENSIVE. Whereas UVU's is not as expensive and I wont have to deal with the application program. 

Now if your smart as hell and get a full ride to BYU or U of U (or any other high ranked Utah university) go for it, or your parents are money bags and just pay for everything like if you wanna study abroad then do it. 

For me I'm gonna enjoy living at home and go to school.

Now enjoy this!!

Narcissistic Cannibal

Aw balls its two in the damn morning and I gotta be up in five hours ugh this is gonna be one hell of a week. I got  a quiz, an exam and a draft for a major paper due and ya kinda slow in that...Oh well I still got other things to be happy for that will get me through the week :) Lately its been my girl and tons of new music that I been too lazy to listen to.

Some of the new stuff I been checking out has been (not all that new, but haven't gotten around listen to yet):

Pretty amazing albums except LULU I highly DO NOT recommend this album. It was a collaboration with Lou Reed (ex Lead vocals of The Velvet Underground) and Metallica. I listen to it numerous times to try and get into it, but it was just a disaster. Nothing just seemed right about it at all. But, that's just my perspective on it but, most of the Metallica fanbase and the Metal community dub it as a failure. Okay you have now been warned :)

Well best to head to bed I got a long day...erm week ahead of me oh joy!! Oh before I go enjoy this! Although some might hate the new direction Korn is heading, but I like it and I see as an opportunity for new material. Plus it's one of the few songs from the dubstep genre that doesn't make me feel like I'm being force fed a shit sandwich...

Saturday, November 12, 2011

11. 11. 11.

Some say that today was a landmark holiday of course being that it's Veterans Day and I give respect to the men and women who serve this country. Along with that it was also 11/11/11 where everyone at 11:11 pee themselves with excitement and wish for some miracle to occur. I myself made a wish and that was to be with the love of my life for a long time. Some say it may or may not happen, but are we not in control of our fate? I leave that with you readers to decide and for me I say yes and that no supernatural force is in charge of that. (This applies to deities that of course do not exist). Seeing that everything I have accomplished in life was by MY will and MY strength that I obtain from within.

Any-who today was also another important little day in my life which was National Metal Day. Which is a self-explanatory holiday were the idea for it derived from one of my favorite films "This is Spinal Tap". Here's the story from that sums up the creation of this holiday.

"The entire metal community is celebrating today (Nov. 11)  as National Metal Day and cranking their favorite tunes … well, to 11. There’s something about the date — the synchronicity of numbers, the cutting parallel lines  — that when 11/11/11 is written out that looks pretty metal. But the real metal-ness of National Metal Day dates back to the classic 1984 rock movie satire ‘This is Spinal Tap.’
In one of the films best and most quoted scenes (watch below), guitarist Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest) is showing his gear to filmmaker Marty DiBergi (actual filmmaker Rob Reiner) and he points out that his Marshall amps don’t go to “10,” like most amplifiers, instead all of the dials go to “11.”
When asked if the amps are louder than those used by other bands, the slightly dense Tufnel says “Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it?” Continuing the gag, DiBergi aks, “Why don’t you make 10 louder, and make that be the top and make that a little louder,” Tufnel pauses like a deer in headlights for a few moments, points to the amp and repeats, “These go to 11.”
To celebrate the legendary film,, iTunes and X-Box are selling ‘This is Spinal Tap’ for $4.99 between now and Monday. In addition, VH1 Classics and PalladiaHD are airing the film throughout the week. In addition, today is also being dubbed Nigel Tufnel Day. You can keep track of the day’s festivities on Twitter and Facebook at the hashtag #GoTo11.
For a “fake” metal band, Spinal Tap have done pretty well, releasing three albums — the 1984 film soundtrack, 1992′s ‘Break Like the Wind’ and 2009′s ‘Back From the Dead.’ In addition, their songs have been included in the video games ‘Guitar Hero 2,’ ‘Rock Band’ and ‘Rock Band 2.’"

There you have it. Metal is great and deserves a holiday. What's a better way to celebrate this than to play some amazing new and classic hits. With them being from Slayer, Megadeth, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Mastodon, Judas Priest, Heaven Shall Burn, In Flames, and Dark Tranquillity so I feel pretty well accomplished in honoring this day. People who find this holiday silly and just a waste of time just remember there's even more illogical holidays commemorating the central feast in the Christian liturgical year (i.e Easter) where the supposed son of god came back to life three days after his crucifixion...So think twice before questioning this n_n

Now enjoy this amazing vid of metal. Seeing that Dio was one of the greatest metal gods to ever live and should of lived for eons, but sadly isn't with us anymore so enjoy this please!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Clothesline Project

Hello folks been having quite the insane time at school atm....So I will probably make around two or so posts tonight o.o Recently at Campus they had this huge event in the grand ballroom called the Clothesline Project. In my Human Development class, my instructor let us leave class for the day and go to the event for some extra credit. At first I didn't know what to expect. I thought it was just some human rights movement and pamphlets would be given. I was right, but I didn't realize how emotional of an experience it would be for me.

Very strong emotions flowed through me that day...It is truly sad how cruel our society is and all the people that designed this shirts are victims or family members of victims in Utah County alone. It is a scary thought that this kind of abuse can go on in your neighbor's home and you wouldn't even know. Also each color represented what type of abuse the person went through. 

White represents women who died because of violence; also at the event they also meant for ones that went through emotional abuse
Yellow or beige represents battered or assaulted women;
Redpink, and orange are for survivors of rape and sexual assault;
Blue and green t-shirts represent survivors of incest and sexual abuse;
Purple or lavender represents women attacked because of their sexual orientation;
Black is for women attacked for political reasons. (With this one though at this event the black ones actually meant for the ones that became physically handicapped from their abuse)

Also at this event these colors applied to everyone not just women alone. The most eerie thing though was that every certain set of seconds that go by a gong goes off meaning that someone is a victim of abuse. The whistle meant that a case of abuse was reported and the worse was the bell that would mean that someone has died from their abuser. I wish I could remember the number of seconds for each sound but hearing the sounds themselves is very emotional. 

This also helped me see that this is one of the reasons why I picked the career field I wish to go into. Which is Social Work if some of you did not know. I wanna be one of those people that changed someone's whole life around. To get them out of the abusive life they live and have an amazing future. 

So as I left the event feeling a bit down about the project I was stopped by one of the workers. She was a very sweet women and asked what I thought about the event. I told her how depressing it was, but no doubt I truly learned something out of it . She noticed my System of A Down shirt and just instantly talking to me about Metal. (Seriously conversations like that can get me going on the topic for hours on end..). It was great and the best part was she told about this amazing class I'm taking next semester. It's a class guessed it! Heavy Metal. I was so beyond happy I finally found a class about this seeing that there's so much history in it and how it all started. My principal was fully willing to pay for the class since I convinced him that would help with my GPA (and it will). So that helped make my day a much brighter one! Next post. 

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