Saturday, November 12, 2011

11. 11. 11.

Some say that today was a landmark holiday of course being that it's Veterans Day and I give respect to the men and women who serve this country. Along with that it was also 11/11/11 where everyone at 11:11 pee themselves with excitement and wish for some miracle to occur. I myself made a wish and that was to be with the love of my life for a long time. Some say it may or may not happen, but are we not in control of our fate? I leave that with you readers to decide and for me I say yes and that no supernatural force is in charge of that. (This applies to deities that of course do not exist). Seeing that everything I have accomplished in life was by MY will and MY strength that I obtain from within.

Any-who today was also another important little day in my life which was National Metal Day. Which is a self-explanatory holiday were the idea for it derived from one of my favorite films "This is Spinal Tap". Here's the story from that sums up the creation of this holiday.

"The entire metal community is celebrating today (Nov. 11)  as National Metal Day and cranking their favorite tunes … well, to 11. There’s something about the date — the synchronicity of numbers, the cutting parallel lines  — that when 11/11/11 is written out that looks pretty metal. But the real metal-ness of National Metal Day dates back to the classic 1984 rock movie satire ‘This is Spinal Tap.’
In one of the films best and most quoted scenes (watch below), guitarist Nigel Tufnel (Christopher Guest) is showing his gear to filmmaker Marty DiBergi (actual filmmaker Rob Reiner) and he points out that his Marshall amps don’t go to “10,” like most amplifiers, instead all of the dials go to “11.”
When asked if the amps are louder than those used by other bands, the slightly dense Tufnel says “Well, it’s one louder, isn’t it?” Continuing the gag, DiBergi aks, “Why don’t you make 10 louder, and make that be the top and make that a little louder,” Tufnel pauses like a deer in headlights for a few moments, points to the amp and repeats, “These go to 11.”
To celebrate the legendary film,, iTunes and X-Box are selling ‘This is Spinal Tap’ for $4.99 between now and Monday. In addition, VH1 Classics and PalladiaHD are airing the film throughout the week. In addition, today is also being dubbed Nigel Tufnel Day. You can keep track of the day’s festivities on Twitter and Facebook at the hashtag #GoTo11.
For a “fake” metal band, Spinal Tap have done pretty well, releasing three albums — the 1984 film soundtrack, 1992′s ‘Break Like the Wind’ and 2009′s ‘Back From the Dead.’ In addition, their songs have been included in the video games ‘Guitar Hero 2,’ ‘Rock Band’ and ‘Rock Band 2.’"

There you have it. Metal is great and deserves a holiday. What's a better way to celebrate this than to play some amazing new and classic hits. With them being from Slayer, Megadeth, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Mastodon, Judas Priest, Heaven Shall Burn, In Flames, and Dark Tranquillity so I feel pretty well accomplished in honoring this day. People who find this holiday silly and just a waste of time just remember there's even more illogical holidays commemorating the central feast in the Christian liturgical year (i.e Easter) where the supposed son of god came back to life three days after his crucifixion...So think twice before questioning this n_n

Now enjoy this amazing vid of metal. Seeing that Dio was one of the greatest metal gods to ever live and should of lived for eons, but sadly isn't with us anymore so enjoy this please!

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