Saturday, November 26, 2011


Oh no Thanksgiving Break why must you leave me so soon!? Am I not good enough?? :'( 

Technically tonight was my last fun break day for now seeing that I'm working 10-5 and I still got homework to do after that....I spent today just out cold in bed till roughly 11 and then had the house to myself all day which is great for me! 

Honestly it's the best thing that could ever happen to me is having the whole house to myself. I can do whatever and not care (within given boundaries). 

I played some Modern Warfare 3 and some Dead Island which I won't be doing again till at least after finals and on days that I wont work...Plus I'll have to miss a week of work just for finals alone.... damn.

Now I must head to bed I gotta up Ya thats it! 

Also one last thing!
Normally I wouldn't listen to deathCORE, but this may be one of those few exceptions seeing that Frank Mullen of Death Metal band Suffocation stepped in as guest vocals instantly grabbed my attention so give a listen! If not then screw youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

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