Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sweet Freaking Jesus.....

So for some reason, some how, some way I went Black Friday Shopping......Ya one word sums it up very accurately  HELL.

I highly regretted ever going and to be honest I couldn't find many good deals on stuff, and the majority of the things I wanted for Christmas I bought myself months ago ha! That's called planning ahead! 

Also with that I live in Utah County where the cheapest bastards live and they will do what it takes to get a sale on ANYTHING. I went to Wal Mart and saw: Three fights! Over the dumbest things! Action figures, Video Games, and Clothes. Now don't get me wrong I have a everlasting nerdy passion for games, but wow parents are relentless on getting their kids gifts. I saw whole cardboard bins full of: Battlefield 3, Modern Warfare 3, and Gears of War 3 decimated. 

I saw people trying to pull 360's and PS3's out of the cases and they would pull like three so that no one else can get them and that my friends is what society would label as an: ASS HAT. 

So yes I am quite grumpy at the moment, but I been up for longer than 24 hours so that might just be reason....

Tomorrow I hope to get what school work I need for the week done seeing that I will work Sunday. But, mind you I did not leave stores empty handed and I only got one thing:

This game is simply one of the best I have ever purchased and I only played roughly three or so hours out of the 20+ hours of campaign. But, I hardly scratched the surface of the story. This makes Left 4 Dead and most other zombie games a complete joke. This actually keeps me on the edge since I hardly ever have a safe zone, nor access to many weapons 
(with the fact that they can break and I can only use so much stamina for one.)
Now that's a zombie game! (just think Fallout 3, but with zombies)

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