Thursday, November 24, 2011

Fatty Time!!

Yep Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I'm expected to gain some extra weight over the holiday. Today was an insane day. I hardly slept from night before and got woken up at roughly 9ish when KresLynn came over, but that's okay I love waking up to her in the mornings.

Then tomorrow I'm set to go to my Grandmother's for Thanksgiving dinner and then that night starting at midnight I'll be black friday shopping with Kres and her family. Which is a scary thought now I think about it. I hear insane things happen on that day and people even DIED from it. Along with that I heard a news story of a woman even miscarrying. Are people that desperate for a sale on clothing and electronics? Ya bet your ass there are! Especially due to this current economic situation.

Today would also be my last day of work for the week till Sunday which isn't too bad. I WAS suppose to do a simple 4:30-8:30 shift, but I ended up being asked to close which I didn't think was bad because I would get a ride home and I would have some extra hours to make up for the ones I lost during the week. I didn't finish till 1:20 or so!! It was horrible the place was a mess and I'm just exhausted just thinking about it....Although we did get to have some fun!

We had so much extra leftovers that after closing time we just chowed down on some awesome food! Just a heads up all of those containers use to be full of wings...We made all the different flavors we could think of and tried to see who would have the biggest bone pile. I gotta say after that horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE idea I was about to implode with chicken. 

After having some fun we cleaned for hours and HOURS!
(About 3 1/2 hours or so to be exact)
Although we did get to listen to my iPod and got through a Circles EP, Corelia EP, Periphery Album/Ep, and a Breaking Benjamin album! Seriously if I got to listen to my music at work all the time I would be a much happier person. 

I'm home now dead tired and not wanting to sleep, but I just wanna try and get back into the blogging habit again since I enjoy this very much and I see that you guys do too as well seeing that I get numerous views a day from people I do and don't know, but thanks for reading it really does inspire me to post more and in conclusion I leave you with this!! 

Yes! Laugh because it's just that hilarious! I call it obscenity bread :)

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