Thursday, November 11, 2010


Thunder Bird!!!

I wanna make love to this piece of beauty...

Love at first headshot...

Finally some god time spare time to update my blog woo! So this week has been freaking awesome :D I finally got Black Ops at midnight and made some new nerd friends but thanks to UCAS,UVU, and my band I haven't had much time to play it great.... So tomorrow I'm pretty excited about playing my first show with my band V.I.C. I had to get up at 5 today to get ready and go rehearse at MT. View once again I'm gonna say THANK FREAKING MERCIFUL LUCIFER THAT I DIDN'T GO TO A REGULAR HIGH SCHOOL. I don't care if your school is the so called "best" all Utah high schools suck ass I've mention this before in a earlier post I might add. 

so sexy.... 

The stage I'm playing on 

So right now I got a major headache and I finally got all my parts down for tomorrow ANDDD I got a new bass to play for shows now it's a freaking Epihone Thunder Bird. I got to be up at the same freaking time tomorrow, this weekend I'm not going out period. I'm just gonna sit down at home and play my game :no band practice, no homework, no hanging out with friends, I want some time for myself. Well that's all I got to update about for now so I'm gonna get back to some Black Ops peace out. P.S. Thanks for dealing with my anxiety stress attack from hell Nina I really appreciate it.
That's a lot of people to play in front of can't wait!!!

1 comment:

  1. you're going to do great at your concert! i only wish i could go :'(


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