Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Hmm well to start I just have to say I'm grateful for

My Mom who raised me and my three other siblings on her own 
Nina, Britt, Randi, Elio, Caleb, Ernesto, and my other close friends who I know won't leave me at my worse because they know I wouldn't 
My three siblings Nate, Amber and Chelsey who all have their own form of annoying the hell out of me but I can't live without them 
Music that makes my image 
The fact I'm still around and had some close calls that almost changed that 
Video Games to keep me entertained and my mind off of things 
That I don't live in poverty standards and have the basic needs of life. 
The right to believe in whatever the hell I want, say whatever the hell I want, protest for whatever the hell I want, so basically do whatever the hell I want (to a certain extent) 
That I survived through abuse, neglect, a broken heart, depression, death of a love one, school (so far), being ridiculed for not being a sheep, and other painful stepping stones I gone through. 
That everyday is something new to learn about 

There's so much that I'm thankful in life the list goes on.

So today I woke up to my dad yelling GET UP GAY BOY! My first response was gonna be EAT A DICK OLD MAN but my mom was nearby...... He told me how were gonna do something this Saturday and that he will HOPEFULLY get a job at Delta Airlines which means free flights for me and Chelsey HELL YA! I know I shouldn't get my hopes up just yet cause he won't know for a month whether he gets the job or not but he has a good chance because his brother works there too. So the instant he told me that I was thinking : MAINE, AND ALL OF EUROPE! He wants the job so that Chelsey and I can go to Brazil for free this summer that is IF he gets the job and if I get my passport which I was told is a bitch to get these days. 

So to celebrate this holiday that's sugar coated with Charlie Brown and other cute stuff I went to my grandparents! I didn't have any breakfast so I was dying of starvation then dinner started and I called dibs on a leg A WHOLE GOD DAMN LEG!! Along with that I had a mountain of mash potatoes, sweet potatoes, rolls, and other many many good stuff which includes pumpkin pie which Thanksgiving is nothing without . I can guess that my meal was over a good 5000 calories if not more. Chelsey was being so self conscious the whole time about getting fat it's the freaking holidays sis your not suppose to care about weight! Just shut up and eat some pie :D. 

Sadly this day came to a sad closing for I was told by Jerica that a UCAS student by the name of KaraLee along with her father died today in a tragic accident. It was so mind blowing to hear that she was gone I never really knew her well just that I saw her everyday and that she was my friend's cousin. It was a terrible shame that she had to leave I could tell she was pretty popular with everyone and I wish I could of gotten to know her before today. I know without a doubt that no UCAS kid will forget this Thanksgiving so I hope only the best for KaraLee's family including my friend of course who I plan on being there for. Peace.

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