Sunday, November 28, 2010

U of U Hell Ya

Well clearly today anyone who is either a Ute or Cougar fan know that the holy war went on today which is one of the few sports events that I actually give a damn about and it was no duh Utes wons!!!! Ha eat it BYU!!!!!

Well anywho today I got to get up early to go air soft shooting and shot the stupid out of everyone till Bronson started having a temper tantrum from hell about boundaries of the area where we play and a fight almost broke out so the morning kinda ended ugly. But I get home and today was another band practice to go to but it was late because we were suppose to get a photographer but he cancelled! So I'm stuck in a really bad situation but I knew this time would come but I had a hour conversation with fellow bandmate Bryan about well......kicking nick out of the band. I kinda went dead for a second just thinking about because well he was part of the reason why I'm even in the band and we already got a reserved gig over at Deathstar but we all knew that in the end that Nick will hold us back so its like one of those situations in life where you sometimes have to let go of someone that's keeping you back from getting to where you wanna be in life as heartless as it's sound I've yet to meet someone who hasn't been in the same sticky situation as I am in right now. Well that's all I got to post about for now I'm extremely tired and hitting the hay and oh ya Nina if your reading this I was meaning to ask since your kickass at photo taking and have an awesome camera it would be awesome if sometime you could possibly take photos of my band that is IF you want to and it would be great if you can I'll even pay thanks love ya!.

1 comment:

  1. you're retarded to think i wouldn't take photos of you for free. number one im no professional and number two you're like my best friend silly! i would really love to take your photos. sexy time for vic. (:


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