Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Between the Buried and Me

The one night that I go to bed early at like 8:30 I randomly wake up for no apparent reason awesome....Well I haven't had much time to blog because I got three tests this week one for Biology, one for Math 1010, and one for Medical Terminology I been working my ass off so I can hopefully pass god willing (yes its ironic so shut up and keep reading :p ).

Today was a total eh just another day at school hating about every breathing piece of existence that utter the words Halo (Gaylo, seriously anyone can kick ass at that game if they simply just smash their face on the controller) or Starcraft (Starcrap, Diablo and WoW is the way to go bitches). Honestly do these kids have nothing else to talk about? Music? Life without video games? Perhaps even girls (legit ones none of that anime chick garbage)??

My Jesus of the day today is Affy! I went to her house today and we did the math test review for like three hours she helped me so much while dealing with my mental retardation about the subject and wow I actually feel good about the next test I really wanna pass onto 1050 so I can have it with Nina the bestie!!! and Nate the Jesus of math (he even has the beard to qualify).

So lately I've been really opening up to other genres (shockingly) while still having the philosophy that Metal is the best genre known to man. Mostly it's been indie thanks to guess who (Nina if you tards didn't know that). I've gotten into bands like: Seabear, Electric President, White Stripes (I decided to give them a second chance) etc. I can't quite remember the rest of the names but I think Indie and some underground Rap is as far as my horizons will go. No mainstream Nigga music or terrible hill billy sleep with your cousin in a trailer park Cuntry music.

Well I'm gonna head back to bed you all should watch this vid it's nothing creepy or anything and is only a minute in length so it's really not going out of your way checking out this amazing song. It's so stress relieving well to me at least I now listen to it everyday before class starts and tends to remind me someone very close to my heart .


  1. "No mainstream Nigga music or terrible hill billy sleep with your cousin in a trailer park Cuntry music." hahaha nice dom, wow i can't even picture you listening to my music i hope its not just cuz you're pitying me ;P you're awesome and i know how you feel about the nerds lol

  2. na its not out of pity just wanna try something new and i love it already :D and the nerds to learn the ways of having a life outside of video games.....


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