Monday, November 29, 2010

Lethean Tears

The man with the kick ass voice Christian Avelstam- ex-Scar Symmetry, Solution .45, Miseration

Today wasn't as depressing as planned everyone gave out their respect and dressed nicely for the occasion. I was filled with sadness watching some of those people give our their love when they stood at the memorial by either placing flowers or just coming by to give their respect. It was an emotionally draining day but I feel pretty good for being there for others today I got mascara on my sleeves (and no I don't wear make-up :p ) and tear soaked shoulders so I feel like I did something today that helped people.

During fifth period Nick decide to call me in the middle of class knowing that I don't get out till 3 so he didn't take the decision as well as planned he was freaking out about the whole situation asking me why I thought he shouldn't be in the band when he already knew why he was being kicked out! To make it worse I had this random white bitch yelling at me while on the phone trying to talk to Nick asking why her homeboy was kicked out of the band *facepalm* white people suck sometimes they really do..... So wednesday we having this new guy come in for vocal tryouts which should be interesting. But I just wanna say how proud I am of our nerd love school that's willing help out one another in times like this good fellow nerdies. Heres a song I would like all of you to check it's not extremely heavy or anything but affects me emotionally I was listening to it today while at the memorial with Hannah, Sheree, and Randi it fit the situation so well I just about cried.

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