Sunday, November 7, 2010

What I Wouldn't Give To Be A Lazy Kid Again (Nina Inspired this :D )

Damn I miss my childhood so much sure it wasn't perfect without having my dad around but he still would sometimes once in a while take me up to stay at his place in SLC to go to all those fun peruviano parties.

I miss my first true best friend Andy from elementary who's now living in Tooele I talk to him once in a while but we hopefully plan on meeting in the near by future.

I loved being able to screw around, get in fights, and go into principle's office but still got a A in my class to keep my mom happy. I miss getting out at 2 instead of freaking 4 everyday and would go straight to Andy's to play some Halo.

I loved having friends who at the time would never consider doing
drugs or having sex with random whores till now..

I miss actually feeling alive and happy in any situation.

I knew at that time I was fat as hell but I never cared about my weight or looks till now being the weird person that I am.

I went to Church and actually felt good about going.

Where my only form of drama was Video Game related.

When Nate was still living with us.

There was no social networks or cell phones and other electronic
devices to go crazy about which was a more simple and less stressful time.

Now that's mostly gone now when reality bitch slapped me in the face I hate my dad more than ever, school sucks ass, all my use to be awesome friends don't care about fucking up their lives, some of the drama I deal with is a never ending pit of hell, I'm so highly addicted to all my electronic stuff it's pathetic, I don't plan on going back to church anytime soon, even with Nate out of the house I can't do anything like he did when he was the man of the house I obviously don't deserve that title, I'm still eh about my appearance. I wanna have most (not all) of my childhood moments back just when school was a joke and guys just wanna get together and play some kick ass video games, not talk about getting some 24/7 or being total fakes just to be accepted.

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