Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 22 Anger is My Fuel

Skipping Day 21 because I don't feel like posting a "moment". I bet it's no surprise to people that there is many things that piss me off like your typical skater kid or that raving, hello kitty, scene whore. But on a more serious matter there are two things that piss me off more than anything

1) Any form of abuse towards an animal.
Seriously if I catch anyone doing any harmful behavior towards their pet or anyone else's I wont hesitate to rip your throat out and feed it to Toby. Which reminds me of a incident that happened today. So Nick and I were walking back to his place from Winco. We come unto this complex and it was at least 25-30 degrees. We find this poor puppy tied to a fence in front of one of the houses. The little guy was at least half of Toby's size, had very little fur and was shivering! I look inside the house to find the owner just sitting on the couch and she saw us petting the dog.

She came outside and asked, "What are you doing to my dog?". Then I said to her, "Mame do you realize it's freezing out here and your dog clearly can't handle it?" Her lame excuse was "Well I have company for a party so I didn't want her to be a disturbance." Then I started getting even more angry: "So that's a good enough excuse to tie your dog to a fence out here where it's freezing?" Then the poor excuse of a living being said that it's none of my business and that I should leave. Then I happily responded "Listen you dumb bitch I'll have no problem calling the cops about this. So you either take it inside or I'll have to crash your party." The idiot quietly picked up the little dog and took it back inside. So you need stand up for the little friends that can't defend themselves.

2)When I'm lied to.
Trust is one of the the most important things you can ever give to someone. Then it's up to them whether or not to respect it and not lie. When you lie to me you know I'll never let it go. My life has revolved around lies enough times to make me blow my brains out. You won't ever forget that particular lie either. I will most of the time remind you how you lied to me and how I can never trust you again. It's what I do to my dad, nick, and others who committed the act of lying.

Now if it's one of those little white lies I usually brush it off because it's nothing compared to what I'm talking about. Like if it's a lie that has gone for 8 years (dad) or any form of backstabbing knowing that I would be beyond hurt and perhaps not even recover from it (nick). So I don't think I'm asking for much when I'm just simpling asking you not to lie to me.

Well that was fun talking about because I think it's healthy to vent about what makes us angry but in a positive matter of course. Next Post.

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