Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break?

Pfft more like....Doo Doo Break?....Okay I got nothing, but it sure doesn't feel like spring not that I'm complaining or anything I love the cold. Along with the cold I'm loving this break very much! Before mom left to stay at the hospital with Chelsey she got me a stockpile of food I swear she thinks I'm gonna die.. She got me: 2 Hungry Man Dinners, 3 Boxes of Hot Pockets, Sandwich Meat, 10 pack burrtios, 2 bags of chips, and a 12 pack of Mountain Dew. Holy crap! If I die during this break I'll die happy..

Day one of this break: KresLynn came over at like 8 in the morning, I was very happy about that. It was just the two of us till we went on our date with Affy, Celo, Steven, and Lynaya to Brick Oven. With that we got to embarrass Lynaya by telling our waiter it was her Birthday!

Day Two:
  • Woke up at 12
  • Played some GTA IV and Bad Company 2
  • Watch the series finale of King of the Hill
  • Hung out with Nick and Kaniho
  • Pre-ordered Gears of War 3
  • Got the new Obscura and Amon Amarth albums
  • Talk to her of course
Well that's what I've done so far not a whole lot but I love not having to do a whole lot of homework. Peace.

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