Wednesday, March 16, 2011

OJH With A Side of Hatred

Today was great I had no homework so celebrate this rare occasion I spent it with my good buddy Affy. First we went to the gas station and bought some munchies woo! Then after we went on a walk for a while and stopped by our old junior high. Luckily the doors were still open so went around in the hallways and I got that sick feeling in my gut. I hated that place with every fiber of my being.

I loathe every day being there and never wanted it to end so badly. The school was full of preppy pricks, stereotypical douche bags, beaners, and white trash kids..I hated most of them so very much and there were few people that I can call a friend. Kinda like UCAS but not nearly as bad. But, along with the many bad memories I did have some good times: Metal/Wood Shop, Band, Honors English, and Drawing. 

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