Monday, March 28, 2011

Ignorance is NOT Bliss

Today and my previous post made me wonder about one of the dumbest sayings I've ever heard in my life "Ignorance Is Bliss". I always hated that saying and saw no purpose in it. This idea of living by "Ignorance Is Bliss" is a cowardice way to live your life it states that your too weak to accept the truth whether or not it affects your mental and emotional state. There are darks secrets in this world that people either deny or state they never heard of it such as: The Armenian Genocide which occurred on April 24, 1915 where one and a half million Aermenians lost their lives and I know very little people who actually have heard of this tragic event. 

Heres a case scenario if you still live by ignorance is bliss: Imagine a hermit living on an island with no television or radio or means of communication with the outside world. A category 5 cyclone is bearing down on the island and everyone else leaves because they know it would be dangerous to remain, but the old man stays on unaware of what is coming. Would you call this ignorance bliss? Well he is happy because he doesn't know there is anything to worry about, but its only a matter of time when he will have some serious problems.

In my life I learned some things about my friends, my family and in some cases myself. They hurt my feelings and I never thought that person the same again. But I much rather live with some sorrow with the truth than living a happy life with lies. And if you disagree then I recommend some growing up the world isn't a perfect place and it's up to how we react to things whether or not if it's a happy life. Peace.

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