Saturday, December 18, 2010

Coronary Reconstruction!!

I wouldn't mind doing this to certain people...Great band though..

So the UCAS nerd Christmas dance thingy was last night and the date didn't go quite as planned but it was expected were suppose to go eat then go to the movies but due to traffic we were late but instead we went bowling which was really fun! I was so terrible at bowling but might be cause I never really go bowling but this was by far my worse game and Kresslyn was kicking everyone's butt at it and supposedly was only her second time.... I freaking made an ass of myself in front of the whole bowling alley because it was my turn so I go up to roll and right when I pull my arm back the freaking bowling ball dropped out of my hand!!! It was so embarrassing everyone saw me and started dying I went bright red and had the perfect "Oh crap..." look on my face! It was such a great time except Ergg wouldn't shut the hell up but still even that didn't ruin the night.

So after the date thingy me and Kresslyn started heading back to UCAS and all of a sudden we kinda changed our minds and decided not to go to the actual dance and we start heading to my house and stopped by the gas station for munchies! But right as we started leaving I had 4 missed calls, all from random numbers and then I found out they were all from her friends.... First I was thinking how the hell did they get my number? Second why do they keep calling me? Then I started getting texts asking where are you and where's kresslyn?? Her friends would not stop bugging us it was pissing me off and she knew they would tell her parents and get the wrong idea! I swear these people thought I was getting her high, drunk, or some other stupid crap they jumped to a conclusion about!

So we had no choice but to go to UCAS and went to the dance for like 10 minutes?? Then that weird ass emu kid Dean started asking me odd questions.... He was like saying stuff like so I was told I hate you? Oh you hate my favorite band? What were you and Kresslyn up to?? Oh ya my sister says your a dumbass. I was like um okay? Then Kresslyn got pissed because I guess Dean was calling me out?? (or so Kresslyn says) Really!? I was called out by dirty beaners better than that!!
ha she has this shirt!

GAH PEOPLE ARE SOO STOOPID!!!! Just because I got her more into metal and even wore a System Of A Down shirt to school doesn't make me a bad influence.....I'm sorry if I prefer the real her. Just another side note I do have to say I can't express how much I love and appreciate my mom she's so sweet and gave me like 80$ for the date and even bought a corsage for Kresslyn to wear. She just does anything for me just so I can go out have a good time whether its with some friends or on a date. My mom is best that's all that needs to be said. Well I'm gonna play some black ops and then head to practice so we can be ready for the talent show on monday!! Yay!! Peace.

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