Monday, December 6, 2010

Family/Friend Series 2 Part 7 Jar of Hears

I swear I always have the prettiest girls for friends!

Last day of school last year this is the only pic of us and I look like crap!

Well its back my mini series of appreciation and love for my friends and family!

This is Jerica one of the my greatest friends at UCAS. I'm shocked I haven't mentioned her yet but here she is! I always thought she was an interesting case like Nina because were mostly opposites! I remember the first day I met her it was in art advisory first semester of sophomore year and I was kind of a loner in the class and one day I lost my sketchbook so as I was looking for it she started talking to me mainly to help me look for it. After I found it I started to sit with her and her group of friends in the class at first I felt like I didn't belong but after getting along with everyone it was great! Not to mention we had Williams together that year and we always annoyed everyone in class because we wouldn't shut up but we never cared :).

After that I always wondered how were like best friends we have different taste in everything but we somehow get along and have loads of fun together! I remember during the summer of last year when I met her friend Anne and we all went to the movies and saw Inception after that we met up with Mallory and her other friend who's name I can't remember (some white dood!, Logan I think was his name?? sorry Jerica) we then all went and swam in Utah lake. Which was a terrible idea by the way because after you get out of the water you instantly get attacked by mosquitoes!

The funny part was I was the only one that didn't get bites I guess my blood is too foul. I also remember when we went together for Sadies with Anne and her date. It was loads of fun! Were always there for each other about anything mainly our guy and girl issues lately. Her and Nina also made Chelsey feel really comfortable at school which makes me happy cause my sister is a dork. I honestly can't express in words how much I love this person for being one of my first UCAS friends and being a true bestie when I needed one thanks Jerica I love ya to death!! Show me those writings sometime ya butt! :)

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