Sunday, December 12, 2010

Your Bedtime Story is Scaring Everyone

What a great end to a weekend! Finally its finals week and I been studying my ass off I hope it pays off and I already got study sessions set up with Affy. I also just found out the new In Flames album is coming out sometime between May and June of next year. Be awesome if it came out on my birthday! :) Well I'm prepared as I'll ever be to ask Kresslyn tomorrow to the dance. Ya the dances are lame but eh I'm kinda being pressured into it and poor Randi got asked by ERGGGG (Nathaniel).

I can't believe but today I watched three hours of Gilmore Girls with Chelsey I had nothing going on so I sat down and actually watched it! Gotta say it's a hell of a lot better than the garbage their coming out with now. So Brandon and Ryan came over for a surprise visit and we went out to get some munchies and we just sat in the McDonald's for a while just talking about random stuff, girls, school, and certain people we wouldn't mind seeing leave UCAS.

I now also got TWO T.V.'s let the insults begin. We had this T.V. just lying out in the hallway for months and my mom wanted to get rid of it so I told her I would just keep so there's one t.v. for my 360 and the other for a dvd player or any other gaming systems I want. So say if I wanna play a game AND watch a movie I can do so or if me and a friend want to play different games we can! Yes people I am that lazy and fat that I need to be entertained while being entertained.
A new game to add to the favorites! Dead Space, it's one of the very few games that actually me jump! I got it from Jimmy and it's AMAZING!! Goodnight bloggers gotta get back to being scared shitless and not being able to get back to sleep.

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