Friday, December 24, 2010

Dearly Demented

Today I realized I can be too forgiving at times. Just that with some of my friends they give me so much shit, neglect me, or use me. Like today for an example lets name this person "Nancy" and Nancy told me that she broke up with her boyfriend. She told me how horrible it ended but before when she was with him she would never ever talk to me or any of her other friends. I just plain out told her how I truly felt that I was ignored and that she would only come to me if she needed a favor which I have no problem helping out my friends but if they come to me ONLY to ask for help ya can see why it can get annoying....Then she only has to say "Oh I'm sorry, forgive me?" I was hoping for a more thoughtful response but without a second I just forgave then later when I actually thought about it I knew it would happen again. She does it every time she gets herself in another relationship and expects everyone to go with it.

There's my rant of the day so now for the happy fun time stuff!! I woke up at one today feeling great and went to Barnes and Noble tonight with Mom and Chelsey! We were there for hours on end probably till close to closing time. I picked out a huge stack of books that I found all throughout the store that I wanted and then Mom said "No demon or satanic books". So I about put away 3/4 of the books back because she wouldn't let me get them....By the end of the night I got three books: Metallica and Philosophy: A Crash Course in Brain Surgery, Grimoire of the Necronomicon, and The Greatest Show On Earth. I can't wait till Christmas to start reading them while getting fat on some kick ass food!

P.S. I'm in a really blogging mood so I'm gonna be doing like maybe two more post??

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