Friday, December 24, 2010

Family/Friend Series 2 Part 8/9 The Dimmu Borgir Escape Plan

                                 Another episode of my series of people in my life that just kick ass!!

Lets start with Caleb (Top Left), what a nice fellow I first met him back in the first semester of sophomore year in Art History. I hardly ever talked to the guy because he sat behind me the whole time but one time in class I mentioned Slayer and bam he instantly got in an conversation with me about music, mainly Slayer and Motely Crue. I thought the guy was beyond amazing although it was sad that we really didn't become best friends till like close to the end last year? He was one of the few guys at UCAS who's first impression was a positive one at that. He had the same love for metal like I did and I converted him to the darker side of music with kickass Black Metal (Dimmu Borgir). He's also one of the very few people I can have an actual INTELLIGENT conversation about  religion and politics. I honestly don't do enough for the guy he always helps me out mainly when it came to girls and homework. I'm honored to know this guy and that he's one amazing white dude I freaking love ya man don't leave meh!!

Now for Jimmy (Top Right) we met second semester of last year and oh boy he's tied with Brandon with the most negative first impression. I ABSOLUTELY LOATHED THIS GUY'S EXISTENCE!! He feelings were mutual as well. I could feel the extreme tension between us and that we didn't get along so well or we just simply tolerated each other. Then as we started to get along we became closer friends. Along with Caleb this guy knows all if not most of all the metal bands I listen to! Then this year we started to really become best friends!!! Everyday is always amazing seeing him at school. We would always act gay around people (mainly the homophobic ones) just for kicks and giggles. One of the best times was when it was just the two of us and we got some Smashburger and went back to his place to play some Sega it was such a great day! We had one of those moments where you would have this intimate conversations about life and all the good stuff. Also like Caleb I don't do enough to repay this guy for what he does for me whether it's giving me money or just even knowing the guy!

This year I see us as the trio of awesome guys who no one gets but thats okay! I love you two (no homo) and I see ya guys as brothers and were gonna stay that way for a long long long long loooong time I can assure ya. Alright that's my last post of the night peace.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I'm so glad I was able to see this today!! Haha, I haven't been able to check out much on the iternet since that computer cord gave out on me, ya know. :P Anywho, man, you're basically the best guy I know, alongside Jimmy, of course. :) Haha, of course, I must correct you in one aspect. You totally pulled me through Bio as far as homework and studying went, so I'd say if anyone doesn't do enough, it'd be me. :P :)

    You're seriously the greatest, man.


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