Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Yep still pissed about today as you can tell...

So I'm gonna just make this short and head off to bed!

Today sucked because:

I was told LAST MINUTE that I couldn't be in the talent show anymore because of my band's "inappropriate" lyrics by Derbridge and Bitch Face Trevino. So I spent most of the day mad as hell without an iPod to vent to about but thanks to Affy and Jerica I happily survived the morning without ripping some random kid's entrails out.

I didn't even wanna go to it anymore because I was so mad but then I knew it wouldn't be fair to Nina and Chelsey because I wanted to see them perform! Which by the way Nina you were AMAZING! and Chelsey if your reading this you should try something called smiling while performing!

Well I'm heading off to bed but before I do I got have one last thing to vent about today that I wish I could say to Trevino's face "I hope you go fucking die you poor excuse of an counselor/human being. You've been screwing me over all semester and you can shove your PH.D in bullshit up your ass. You probably printed that shit off the internet It was such a slap to my face that I put my hard work and time to get my band together so we could perform today but once again you fucked me over." Okay goodnight everyone Peace. I probably be in a more blogging and happy mood tomorrow.

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