Tuesday, December 21, 2010


YES YES YES HELL YES!! *punts kitten in joy* Its Christmas Break!!!! The first break where I didn't have to worry about any homework! Today was by far better although everyone I wanted to see at school weren't even there -_-. I only went so I could give Caleb his stuff and even he wasn't there! Luckily Jerica was there so we were chilling most of the time while fighting over our facebook profiles and tried to have our status' say were gay were so immature sometimes....I also got some alone time with my mom! We had our dentist appointment today and we were making fun of each other the whole time! It was great and she was telling how she feels bad about this year for not having much money to get me and Chelsey gifts because dad hasn't been putting in any money. Although she already got us the U of U hoodies we wanted ahh!!! Then we had this funny conversations!

Dom: Mom you shouldn't feel bad about the money situation dad has to spend money so she can feed that whore her weight in babies.

Mom: Ya true and it's Christmas time and I bet she eats twice her weight in babies if not more and then she would have to resort to going to pet stores.

Dom: Hey who's car is that parked in front of our house?

Mom: Hmm I don't know probably the neighbor's

Dom: Oooh maybe it's fugly's car!! (fugly-fat and ugly)

Mom: Oh hell no! No way she can afford that!

Dom:Ya true the most dad can get her is like one of those ghetto taco stands on wheels!
Some of the books I want for Christmas!

I freaking love my mom I knew she could be just as evil as me when talking about people she hates! I can't wait for thursday me and her are gonna go to Barnes and Nobles to get some books for me. My newest pet peeve is when people to me are like "Woah you read!?!?" Yes believe it or not I read just on my own time and when it's not the school's books that aren't even worth using as toilet paper.

I need to hang out for once this break I'm already making plans! :) Hopefully Nick and I with some other people will go out air softing with a huge group of people up at the lake! Kresslyn also wanted to do something over the break so were already making a plan of just watching south park, playing video games, and having munchies all day!, and this New Years I actually wanna go out and hang out so I'm thinking of going to Tiffany's New Years Eve/ Birthday party it's going to be sweet! Tomorrow is our Schaefer family Christmas from hell gathering at the church and I never liked them because some stupid argument always happen and then everyone gets pissed! So to avoid any conflict whatsoever I'm gonna just have my iPod and sleep on the couches with Nate like we have every year! Also the people listed I would love to hang out this break! : Those whores (Jimmy and Caleb), Nina, Affy, Randi, Elio, Nick, and grr I can't remember the others there's so many people I wanna hang out with over the break! Well I'm gonna head out and watch some Christmas Specials of South Park peace.
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Last side note: at band practice tomorrow a friend of Gabi just happens to work at Deathstar which is this new sweet venue in Provo and he's gonna come in and listen to us to see if were good enough for an acutal gig ahh!!!!!!

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