Saturday, August 7, 2010

Despicable Me

The Cute Little Minions from Despicable Me :)

Went and saw one of my new favorites by far today with my awesome friend Sarah! Despicable Me, I loved every second of it I was laughing my ass off about most of the time and ended up with my sides hurting horribly. I remember asking some of my friends to go see that earlier but they think cause now were teenagers we don't like anything "childish" pfft what losers I'm the oldest out of my friends and really the only who would admit how much I love all the little kid movies!

Honestly no one can ever be too old to watch and enjoy a movie that's "only" meant for kids. Any who this week has been just been amazing for far even though I do miss my mom and hope she's having a blast in California :) I already got all planned out for this tomorrow I'm gonna go party it up with Sarah, Wednesday and Thursday. Then Friday I'm gonna go see Inception with Jerica which is gonna be fantastic because I haven't seen her all summer!! By the way starting tomorrow I'll make my first post to my mini series of friends who had made an impact on my life :) .

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