Saturday, August 7, 2010

Let Go of My World!! (that means you dad)


Well I had an amazing weekend got to see some of my UCAS friends I've haven't seen in forever!! Went and saw the Sorcerer's Apprentice with Nick and some friends (pretty good btw), watched the second season of Pysch, and ate way too many fatty food's. Ah a nice end to a awesome weekend excluding that my dad kept calling me, but I can't wait for the week that it'll just be me at the house with my mom being gone for the week in California.

I just love having the house to myself I can have my music as loud as I want and I feel like I'm in my own little sanctuary of no annoying people saying "TURN DOWN THAT CRAP!!" its gonna be nice, but I think I might go somewhere for the week seeing that my dumb ass of a dad will try to get me to stay with him in SLC with the whore so no es bueno. I'm thinking of running away to Mexico till my mom gets back whichever helps me get through the week with that crazy bastard calling me all the time using random numbers so I won't know if its him or not.

Any who I'm now going to bed just a heads up for the very very very very very very very very few people who actually read this blog at all I plan on making a little series of blogs of all my friends/family mostly the ones that have affected my life for the better and plus this will hopefully get more people to actually check out my blog so check it out you might just be one of them :).

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