Saturday, August 7, 2010

Family/Friend Series Part 6 Flower Child

Here is the amazing and beautiful hippy Talia, one of my other amazing UCAS friends! I remember the first day I met her during lunch when her cute little happy self ran up to me and ask to wear my hemp necklace which kinda shocked me at first cause one: a random cute girl actually started a conversation with me and two: she was one of the very few UCAS kids that wasn't scared of me at first. She didn't realized at the time but it gave me a nice warm feeling that not everyone always think me as the same which gave me hope in others.

She's been there for me a lot and helped me through the stressful school year without her even knowing, mostly when I was going through depression during the school year. She gave me a smile, a heart warming hug, and said everything is gonna get better for me which in the end it did.

I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out much this summer along with my other UCAS friends who are reading this right now because I realized truly how boring and bland my life is without seeing you everyday and I don't plan leaving your life anytime soon my beautiful hippy friend love ya!!

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