Friday, August 13, 2010

You Just Won't Get Out of My Life Will You?

Today was interesting day I went and had dinner with Chelsey and my dad, it was alright last time I saw him was on my birthday and today I remember why I don't like being around him. He just starts a conversation with us being all innocent acting like what he did to us was nothing and can be brushed off.

Well dad your wrong don't think I don't remember what happened on Easter when I came upstairs seeing my little sister cry and my mom in pain. Your nothing but a worthless piece of shit, I can't even describe on how much hatred I have for you so damn much. You ruined my childhood, canceling our planned days to go "work" my ass you were off just doing some random $5 whore and for neglecting mom and especially Chelsey, her childhood was worse than mine and yet now you wanna start something with her you disgust me. I know that I'm a very forgiving person to everyone but not your dumb ass and the only person I would not cry if they died even by their own hands.

People are saying I should forgive you but I know in my heart that you will fuck me over again I wanna get away and never ever hear from you.I never want you at my graduation, wedding, or anywhere near my future children I don't want them to see a true walking failure like you. I know now not to screw up in any relationships like you did. You got one hell on a long way to go before I can even start to forgive you good luck doubt you will do well.


  1. Sweetheart,

    This is kind of what I was talking about. This isn't good for you. I want you to feel happy. This won't make you happy.

  2. Dommy. I know what he did to you seems unforgivable. But what I've been raised in is that everyone should be forgiven, even if they don't ask forgiveness. If you hold onto this grudge forever it will literally eat you alive. This doesn't mean he has to be a part of your life anymore. Just drop it. Use him as an example of the kind of father not to be, and forget about him. You'll be a million times happier, I promise.
    But I am sorry you had to see him today. I wouldn't want to see him either. But I want you to know that I love you, and I'll be here to talk about it whenever you need. Just call me up. Okay? Feel better.:)

  3. Dom, I totally support you. If you don't want to forgive him don't. I wish I had the ability to be unforgiving, I truly do. The best thing you can do is live YOUR life to the fullest knowing he didn't help you with that. He'll get the hint (I hope) eventually. I know that this doesn't consume you like it did 4 months ago. What most of your friends don't realize is this is a mourning process. You're healing and growing. Let NO ONE tell you that you don't have a right to your feelings, bc you do. Deal with them as you can, bc that's all you can do. No one should expect to rush you, it needs to be done in your time and when you're ready. And no one can rush that. Love ya!

  4. haha well thanks everyone for making me feel better about this I love you Alex, Nina, and Amber my amazing sister! I know I don't wanna be like him when I grow up. When I become a father and a husband, I truly wanna do my best and be there for ALL my kids and help them start a better future unlike my dad who didn't do jack shit hahaha


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